JUMP TOCTRL-/WelcomeOverviewDeveloper ToolsAnalytics Query ToolsLearn about webhooksJW Platform Management API v2Management API OverviewBuilding a RequestAuthentication and Rate LimitCreate and manage API keysResources and SubresourcesError CodesMigrate to Management API v2advertisingList player bidding configurationsgetCreate a player bidding configurationpostGet a player bidding configurationgetUpdate a player bidding configurationpatchDelete a player bidding configurationdeleteUpdate ad schedules with the player bidding configurationputList advertising schedulesgetCreate an advertising schedulepostGet an advertising schedulegetUpdate an advertising schedulepatchDelete an advertising scheduledeleteanalyticsFetches an analytics report over a custom date rangepostapp configsList app configsgetCreate an app configpostGet an app configgetDelete an app configdeleteUpdate an app configpatchbroadcast liveCreate a live streampostList Broadcast Live streamsgetStart a live streamputStart a live streamputStop a live streamputDestroy a live streamputAssign a live ingest pointputUnassign a live ingest pointputUpdate properties of a live streampatchGet a live streamgetCreate a clipputList Broadcast stream configsgetGet a stream configgetGet the default stream config for a sitegetList Broadcast Live ingest pointsgetCreate a live ingest pointpostList ingest point availabilitygetGet a live ingest pointgetDelete a live ingest pointdeleteUpdate the display name of a live ingest pointpatchList streams for an ingest pointgetcontent type schemasList schemasgetCreate schemapostDelete a schemadeleteGet a schemagetUpdate a schemapatchdrmCreates a DRM policypostList DRM policiesgetGet a DRM policygetUpdate a DRM policypatchDelete a DRM policydeleteimageCreate an additional image for mediapostList additional images for mediagetGet an additional imagegetUpdate an additional imagepatchDelete an additional imagedeleteimportsList importsgetCreate an importpostGet an importgetUpdate an importpatchDelete an importdeletelive channelsList live channelsgetCreate a live channelpostGet a live channelgetDelete a live channeldeleteUpdate a live channelpatchDisable the channelputEnable the channelputlive eventsList live eventsgetGet a live eventgetCreate a VOD asset by clipping an eventputPublish the eventputmediaList mediagetCreate a mediapostGet a mediagetUpdate a mediapatchDelete a mediadeleteReupload a mediaputmedia protection rulesList media protection rulesgetCreate a media protection rulepostGet a media protection rulegetUpdate a media protection rulepatchDelete a media protection ruledeletemedia renditionsList media renditionsgetCreate a media renditionpostGet a media renditiongetDelete a media renditiondeleteoriginalsList originalsgetCreate an originalpostGet an originalgetDelete an originaldeleteaudio tracksList audio tracksgetGet an audio trackgetUpdate an audio trackpatchDelete an audio trackdeleteplayersList playersgetCreate a playerpostGet a playergetUpdate a playerpatchDelete a playerdeleteUpload a player logopostGet player logogetplaylistsList playlistsgetGet a playlistgetDelete a playlistdeleteCreate a manual playlistpostGet a manual playlistgetUpdate a manual playlistpatchDelete a manual playlistdeleteCreate a dynamic playlistpostGet a dynamic playlistgetUpdate a dynamic playlistpatchDelete a dynamic playlistdeleteCreate an article matching playlistpostGet an article matching playlistgetUpdate an article matching playlistpatchDelete an article matching playlistdeleteCreate a search playlistpostGet a search playlistgetUpdate a search playlistpatchDelete a search playlistdeleteCreate a recommendations playlistpostGet a recommendations playlistgetUpdate a recommendations playlistpatchDelete a recommendations playlistdeleteCreate a watchlist playlistpostGet a watchlist playlistgetUpdate a watchlist playlistpatchDelete a watchlist playlistdeleteseriesList seriesgetCreate a seriespostGet a seriesgetUpdate a seriespatchDelete a seriesdeleteList seasonsgetCreate a seasonpostGet a seasongetUpdate a seasonpatchDelete a seasondeletesite protection ruleGet the site protection rulegetUpdate the site protection rulepatchtagsCreate a tag associated with a given sitepostBulk remove tagsputBulk rename tagsputtext tracksList text tracksgetCreate a text trackpostGet a text trackgetUpdate a text trackpatchDelete a text trackdeletePublish a trackputUnpublish a trackputthumbnailsCreate a thumbnailpostList thumbnailsgetUpdate a thumbnailpatchGet a thumbnailgetDelete a thumbnaildeleteuploadsList upload partsgetComplete an uploadputwebhooksList webhooksgetCreate a webhookpostGet a webhookgetUpdate a webhookpatchDelete a webhookdeleteDelivery APIDelivery API OverviewEmbed content with the Delivery APIProtect your content with signed URLsSpecifying content sourcesMediaSingle media, playback metadata endpointgetSingle media objects/feedsgetGet a single media object with an external IDgetPoster ImagesMain poster image for the mediagetSpecific poster image for the mediagetPlaylistsPlaylist objects/feedsgetWatchlist playlist objectsgetDRM playlistsDRM Playlist objectsgetApp ConfigApp ConfiggetSeriesSingle SeriesgetSeries by Media IDsgetSingle Series EpisodesgetSingle Season EpisodesgetAdvertisingAn ad schedulegetPlayersA cloud-hosted player librarygetA player with media attachedgetA preview page with a player and mediagetVideo FilesA media renditiongetStreaming ManifestsAn adaptive streaming manifestgetText TracksA text track for the mediagetLive ChannelStatus of a Live ChannelgetA live event stream manifestgetBroadcast LiveBroadcast Live stream manifestgetSSAISSAI Manifest EndpointgetSSAI Session Ad Data EndpointgetAd config schedulegetAdditional ImagesImage associated with media by labelgetReturns all the labels and images associated with a mediagetStudio DRM StandaloneGetting started (Standalone)Packaging Guides (Standalone)AWS Media Services (Standalone)Bento4 (Standalone)NGINX VOD Module (Standalone)Shaka Packager (Standalone)Unified Packager (Standalone)Wowza (Standalone)Integrations (Standalone)Chromecast (Standalone)Smart TVs (Standalone)Web Players (Standalone)Cast with JWP web player (Standalone)Encryption Key Provision (Standalone)Studio DRM Token API (Standalone)Studio DRM Token API v2 (Standalone)Studio DRM Token API v1 (Standalone)Geo Location API (Standalone)Update video trackpost https://api.jwplatform.com/v1/videos/tracks/updateBody Paramstrack_keystringrequiredKey of the track that should be updated.labelstringNew track label.languagestringNew language of the track data. Should be a valid two-character BCP47 language tag (for example, en or fr). Can also include hyphenated region or microlanguage subtags (for example, en-US).positioninteger(unsigned integer) Position in the tracks list to which track should be moved. Index of the first position is 0. Only for subtitles or captions track kinds.update_filestringSpecifies if track file should be updated: True: Update track file. A link block will be returned to which the file can be uploaded. False: Do not update track file. Default is False.statusstringUpdates the publish status of a track. ready: Track is published. draft: Track is unpublished. The track must have a status of ready or draft, and can only be updated to either ready or draft.readydraftResponses 200OKResponse bodyobjectresponseobjectstatusstringCall execution status. Set to ok if call executed successfully.track key="{str}"objectKey of the created video track.track key="{str}" object 400Bad RequestResponse bodyjson 404Not FoundResponse bodyjsonUpdated about 1 year ago OverviewDid this page help you?YesNo