Upload content

Choose an approach to add your content to your JW Player account.

Not all content upload use cases are the same. Sometimes you need to upload multiple, small files from a local device. Other times, you might be creating an application that uploads videos from a browser. This article explains several approaches to add content to your account while addressing these varied needs.


When you upload content to your JW Player account, you must send a POST request with a JSON body to the media endpoint to create a media entity -- your content. The JSON body contains two top-level objects: upload and metadata.

Within the upload object, use method to define the upload approach. The method property must have one of the following values:

  • direct
  • multipart
  • fetch

For some upload approaches, additional information is included within the upload object.

Within the metadata object, you can define descriptive information (for example: title, description, author) about the media you are uploading. ]

    "upload": {
       "method": "direct"
    "metadata:": { 
        "author":"Joe Schmoe",
        "category": "Movies",
        "title": "Joe’s adventure",
        "duration": 6000,
        "publish_start_date": "2020-02-20T08:58:26+00:00",
        "publish_end_date": "2021-02-20T08:58:26+00:00",
        "external_id": "1231",
        "description": "Joe goes on an adventure"

Media assets must have a minimum duration of 2 seconds.

Upload Methods

JW Player provides the following methods to upload content.

Direct Single Upload via S3

  • Location: Local device
  • Size limit: 5GB
  • Notes: Use this approach when the media file is on the local device. The file should be small enough that retrying the entire file upload is not an issue.

Multipart Resumable Upload

  • Location: Local device
  • Size limit: 100GB


    The 100GB upload size is offered only through the v2 Management API. Uploads are capped at 25GB via the v1 Management API.

  • Notes: Use this approach when the media file is on the local device. The file should be large enough that retrying the entire upload is an issue. The upload needs to be paused & resumed, or upload progress needs to be reliably reported.

Fetch Upload via URL

  • Location: Remote
  • Size limit: 100GB


    The 100GB upload size is offered only through the v2 Management API. Uploads are capped at 25GB via the v1 Management API.

  • Notes: Use this approach when the media is hosted on another platform and your content needs to be hosted in your JW Player account .

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