Common Media Client Data

This property adds Common Media Client Data (CMCD) information to all HLS.js or Shaka requests.


You can add "cmcd": {}" to send the default values for each CMCD property. However, we recommend adding meaningful values for each CMCD ID.

    "playlist": "",
    "cmcd": {
        "sessionId": "6e2fb550-c457-11e9-bb97-0800200c9a66",
        "contentId": "hWF9vG66",
        "useHeaders": false
Property Description
contentId string Identifier for the current media item

Default: Playlist item's media ID
sessionId string Identifier for the session

Default: Randomly-generated UUID
useHeaders boolean Adds CMCD headers to the request

Possible Values:
  • false: (Default) CMCD information is transmitted via a query string.
  • true: CMCD information is transmitted via headers. Be mindful that adding headers will violate CORS unless the server is expecting and allows these additional headers.
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