CSS Skin Reference

Review all available player CSS skin options.

This article acts as a reference for styling all interface components of JW Player 8. This skinning model uses CSS, and all controls are overlaid on top of the player with HTML. JW8 uses inline SVGs for all icons.

When styling these elements, there are a few conventions to keep in mind. All internal classes are prefixed with jw- in order to protect the player from external stylesheets. The original DOM element that we initialize is called the Main Div.

A JW Player skin CSS file contains classes that are grouped into functional elements. This reference provides an elaborate overview the classes used. For additional information, check out a reference css file.

Main Div

The main div will be given a class jwplayer. It is strongly advised to not add any additional inline styling on this div besides what is included in your skin css file.

Player States

The state of the player is reflected in the DOM by a class on the main div. It will always contain one of the following:

CSS ClassDefinition
.jw-state-playingWhile content is playing
.jw-state-pausedWhile content is paused
.jw-state-bufferingWhile content is buffering
.jw-state-idleBefore pressing play, and/or after calling stop
.jw-state-completeAfter playlist completes


Sometimes the player needs to signify certain modes of the playback. These flags will be present on the main div and can be:

CSS ClassDefinition
.jw-flag-fullscreenWhen the player is in fullscreen
.jw-flag-liveWhen the player is playing back live video
.jw-flag-user-inactiveAdded after a few minutes of inactivity
.jw-flag-controlbar-onlyPlayer is less than 30 pixels tall
.jw-flag-media-audioContent being played is an audio file
.jw-flag-draggingMouse down with cursor over control bar
.jw-flag-aspect-modeEnable a padding to create an aspect ratio
.jw-flag-floating .jw-wrapper 8.8.0+Wrapper for the floating player


CSS ClassDefinition
.jw-background-colorThis is a class that will add a set of style to all interface elements without having to change it for each individual class.

We advise only using .jw-background-color for color and not other CSS properties. The player will add this class to the following elements:

  • .jw-display-icon-container
  • .jw-controlbar

CSS ClassDefinition
.jw-button-colorThis is a class that player will add to specific elements when color is overridden from within the player configuration setup. You can also use this to easily change all button colors in your skin. The player will add this class all icons.
.jw-button-color:hoverThis will adjust the color of all buttons when they are hovered on.

Poster Images

These define how the poster image will be stretched to fill the space given. Internally this state is used to stretch the player using JS.

  • .jw-stretch-none
  • .jw-stretch-uniform
  • .jw-stretch-fill
  • .jw-stretch-exactfit


All player controls are within the .jw-controls class. When JW Player is set to controls: false, this entire class has a visibility of hidden. To not include a specific item in your skin, you will need to override the style with a visibility or display of none.

DisplayThe set of icons in the center of the player
ControlbarThe playback controls for the player
MenusExtensions of the controlbar that display additional information
LogoA logo displayed for branding purposes
PreviewThe video's poster image


The display component contains the main element container for the (re)play, buffer and error icons in the middle of the screen, as well as the rewind and next buttons that appear on pause for small breakpoints. To add styles to these containers based on states you will need to add the state classes in your stylesheet.

The display component has a container and an additional inner wrapper. Both are required to contain the display icon containers below.

CSS ClassDefinition
.jw-display-icon-containerParent div used to style the container in which the display icons are.
.jw-display-controlsChild div of .jw-display-icon-container. Used to style icons that appear in the display container. The icons thatrender depend on the state the player is in.

At smaller breakpoints, up to three icons can be displayed in the middle of the screen at one time. The three slots for icons have a container, an inner div, and an SVG. Each element requires specific classes, as well as a class referencing the name of the icon:



The controlbar component contains all elements for the video controls at the bottom of the player. All elements are contained within the .jw-controlbar parent class and broken out into two groups, .jw-slider-time and .jw-button-container.

CSS ClassDefinition
.jw-slider-timeUsed to position the player timeslider above playback controls
.jw-button-containerUsed to group and position specific playback controls

Slider Time

The center group contains the elements that make up the player's timeslider.

CSS ClassDefinition
.jw-slider-horizontal .jw-slider-containerThe containers that hold the timeslider elements
.jw-railSets the style for the base layer of the slider
.jw-bufferSets the style for the how much of video has been buffered, which is layered on top of .jw-rail
.jw-progressSets the style for the elapsed video, which is layered on top of .jw-buffer
.jw-knobThis marks the tip of the progress rail, used to indicate where playback is currently
.jw-slider-horizontal .jw-cueThis class is used for timeslider cuepoints, like chapters and ad breaks

Button Container

The button container contains playback controls, elapsed and duration time, and the settings menu. The additional classes .jw-icon .jw-icon-inline .jw-button-color are all required within the button container when it is built. Within the SVG element, .jw-svg-icon is required.

CSS ClassSVG ClassesDefinition
Container that holds the play/pause icons. This icon will toggle depending on the state of the player.
.jw-icon-rewind.jw-svg-icon-rewindContainer that holds the "rewind" icon
.jw-icon-next.jw-svg-icon-nextPlayback control to advance to the next playlist item.
Container that holds the volume icon. The player will automatically add an overlay to the hover state of this div that contains the slider volume. The icon will toggle depending on the volume level: volume-100 displays when the volume is set to 75% or greater.
.jw-icon-volume .jw-off.jw-svg-icon-volume-0When the player is muted the .jw-off class gets added to toggle the volume off icon.
8.1.8+ .jw-text-liven/aAs of JW8.1.8, the live/DVR icons are plain text instead of SVGs.
Container for live and dvr buttons. This icon will toggle depending on the state of the player.
<=8.1.7 .jw-icon-live.jw-svg-icon-live
Container for live and dvr icons. This icon will toggle depending on the state of the player.
.jw-text-elapsedn/aContainer for the elapsed video time.
.jw-text-durationn/aContainer for the total duration of the media file.
.jw-settings-sharing.jw-svg-icon-sharingContainer for the sharing icon. This will only show when sharing is enabled.
.jw-playlist-btn.jw-svg-icon-playlistContainer for playlist icon. This icon represents the player using a manual playlist for related content.
.jw-related-btn.jw-svg-icon-relatedContainer for discover icon. This icon represents the player using recommendations for related content based on the mediaID.
Container for the closed-caption CC icon. This icon will toggle to an on and off state depending on whether closed captions are enabled or not.
.jw-icon-castn/a - does not follow patternThis container will display the Chromecast icon if available.
.jw-icon-airplay.jw-svg-icon-airplay-onThis container will display Airplay icon if it is connected.
.jw-icon-airplay .jw-off.jw-svg-icon-airplay-offThis container will display the Airplay icon if it is available.
.jw-icon-settings.jw-svg-icon-settingsContainer for the settings menu icon.

Container for entering and exiting fullscreen icons. This icon will toggle between fullscreen on and off depending on the state of the player.

Break Points

Breakpoint classes are added to the player element based on the width of the player, not the device or browser. Because JW Player instances are embedded via an iframe, the usual @media query will not work for defining CSS declarations to make elements responsive. Breakpoints are global classes that can be used to make responsive CSS declarations for any customizable player element.

Break PointWidth Intervals (px)
.jw-breakpoint-0Player width: 0-319
.jw-breakpoint-1Player width: 320-419
.jw-breakpoint-2Player width: 420-539
.jw-breakpoint-3Player width: 540-639
.jw-breakpoint-4Player width: 640-799
.jw-breakpoint-5Player width: 800-959
.jw-breakpoint-6Player width: 960-1279
.jw-breakpoint-7Player width: 1280+


Make font size smaller only when player width is under 420px wide:

.jw-breakpoint-0 .jw-related-item-description {
font-size: 11px;

For medium-sized player widths, make the font size bigger:

.jw-breakpoint-3 .jw-related-item-description,
.jw-breakpoint-4 .jw-related-item-description {
  font-size: 16px;

Settings Menu and Submenus

CSS ClassDefinition
.jw-settings-menuThis container creates a menu based on what playback features are enabled for the player.
.jw-settings-submenuA submenu is created to list available options for each menu feature.
.jw-settings-content-itemThis container is populated with the options related to each submenu.

The following icons are nested within .jw-settings-topbar, a child of .jw-settings-menu. Icons appear only if the submenu is enabled or avaialble The additional classes .jw-icon .jw-icon-inline .jw-button-color are all required within the button container. Within the SVG element, .jw-svg-icon is required.

CSS ClassesSVG ClassDefinition
.jw-settings-quality .jw-submenu-quality.jw-svg-icon-quality-100Container for the quality icon.
.jw-settings-playbackRates .jw-submenu-playbackRates.jw-svg-icon-playback-rateContainer for the playback rate icon.
.jw-settings-captions .jw-submenu-captions.jw-svg-icon-cc-offContainer for the captions icon.
.jw-settings-audioTracks .jw-submenu-audioTracks.jw-svg-icon-audio-tracksContainer for the audio tracks icon.
.jw-settings-sharing .jw-submenu-sharing.jw-svg-icon-sharingContainer for the sharing icon.

Float on scroll 8.8.0+

CSS ClassesSVG ClassesDefinition
Container for the SVG icon to dismiss the floating player.
Container for the SVG icon to dismiss the floating player. This is a deprecated class and will be removed in the future. We recommend using the .jw-float-bar-icon class described above instead.

Tooltips and Overlays

JW Player will automatically populate overlay divs on mouseover/touch of certain interface elements. These include the timeslider thumbnail preview, volume slider and on-hover tooltips for controlbar icons.

CSS ClassDefinition
.jw-overlayAll overlays are wrapped in this class. It is not advised to modify this class but rather the containers within this class. This class when appended to the parent controlbar class will position the overlays.
.jw-tooltipOn-hover tooltips containning labels for controlbar icons.

Title and Preview Image

The title and description configuration options are displayed in their own classes overlaid on the player.

CSS ClassDefinition
.jw-titleThis is the wrapper class the text overlays.
.jw-title-primaryThis class is populated with content from the title configuration option from the player setup.
.jw-title-secondaryThis class is populated with content from the description configuration option in the player setup per-playlist item.
.jw-previewThis class styles the preview image from the image configuration option in the player setup per-playlist item.

Discovery Overlay

The discovery overlay displays recommended content related to the current media file. The overlay uses breakpoints to select the proper format and amount of items to display.


CSS ClassDefinition
.jw-plugin-relatedCustomize the background color of the related overlay
.jw-related-item-contentCustomize the background and border color of related items
.jw-related-item-content:hoverCustomize the background and border color of related items when hovering
.jw-related-item-durationCustomize the next-up related item duration text
.jw-related-item-playCustomize the next-up related item play button
.jw-related-item-title strongCustomize the next-up related item "Next Up" text
.jw-related-item-title spanCustomize related item title text
.jw-related-item-title .jw-item-index-text emCustomize related item title (for playlists) text
.jw-related-item-descriptionCustomize related item description text (Auto-advance only)
.jw-related-autoplay-frameCustomize related item autoplay progress (Auto-advance only)
.jw-related-autoplay-frame-progressCustomize related item autoplay progress (Auto-advance only)
.jw-related-item-content:hover .jw-related-autoplay-frame-progressCustomize elements in hover state (falls under .jw-related-item-content:hover)


CSS ClassDefinition
.jw-plugin-relatedParent container for related overlay plugin that covers the player viewport when visible.
.jw-related-item-contentItem content area
.jw-related-item-posterPoster image container (poster image is set via inline style background image on this element)
.jw-related-item-durationItem duration text
.jw-related-item-playNext-up item play button container
.jw-related-item-play .jw-display-iconNext-up item play button icon
.jw-related-item-title-contentTitle text
.jw-related-item-description-contentDescription text
.jw-related-autoplay-frameItem autoplay border
.jw-related-autoplay-frame-progressItem autoplay progress border


The following icons are nested within .jw-related. The additional class .jw-button-color is required within the button container. Within the SVG element, .jw-svg-icon is required.

Button ClassSVG ClassesDefinition
.jw-related-close.jw-svg-icon-closeRelated overlay close icon button
.jw-related-page-left.jw-svg-icon-arrow-leftRelated overlay page left button
.jw-related-page-right.jw-svg-icon-arrow-rightRelated overlay page right button

Next Up Card

The next up card displays prior to a video's completion, showing information about the following media item.


CSS ClassDefinition
.jw-nextup-headerCustomize the top bar with "Next Up" label
.jw-nextup-bodyCustomize the thumbnail/title group container
.jw-nextup-thumbnailCustomize the next up item thumbnail
.jw-nextup-titleCustomize the next up item title
.jw-nextup-closeCustomize the close button
.jw-nextup-close:hoverCustomize the close button hover state


CSS ClassDefinitionType
.jw-nextup-containerParent container for next up (hidden by default) that positions the next up display in the player.default
.jw-nextup-container-visibleAdd-on class for next up parent container that transitions the next up display to visible state.state
.jw-nextupSecond container element for next up with position: relative CSS property set to enable absolute positioning of the close button.default
.jw-nextup-headerTop bar element for next up that contains the "Next Up" label text.default
.jw-nextup-bodyGrouping container element for the next up thumbnail and title.default
.jw-nextup-thumbnailThumbnail element for next up display (hidden by default). Element uses inline style background-image: url(thumbnail.jpg); in addition to background-size: cover to accommodate displaying any thumbnail size in an elegant way.default
.jw-nextup-thumbnail-visibleModifier class that makes the next up thumbnail element visible (set when next up item has a thumbnail).state
.jw-nextup-titleTitle text element for next up display.default
.jw-nextup-closeClose button for next up (hidden by default) which hides the display when clicked.default
.jw-nextup-sticky .jw-nextup-closeState to show close button for next up display (shown when nearing end of current video).state
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