Playback Events

These API calls are used to retrieve and change the current playback state of the player.


Fires when the player is configured to autostart but the browser's settings are preventing it

    "code": 303220,
    "error": "The play method is not allowed by the user agent or the platform in the current context, possibly because the user denied permission.",
    "reason": "autoplayDisabled",
    "type": "autostartNotAllowed"
Property Description
code number Identifier for the error

See: Player Errors Reference (Web Player)
error string Text for the detected warning

See: Player Errors Reference (Web Player)
reason string Reason why the player could not autostart

This value is always autoplayDisabled.
type string Category of player event

This value is always autostartNotAllowed.


Fires when one of the following events occurs:

  • Player starts playback
  • Player enters a buffering state
    "type": "buffer",
    "newstate": "buffering",
    "oldstate": "idle",
    "reason": "loading"
Value Description
newstate string State to which the player moved

Possible Values:
  • buffering
  • idle
  • playing
  • paused
  • stalled
oldstate string State from which the player moved

Possible Values:
  • buffering
  • idle
  • playing
  • paused
  • stalled
reason string Reason why the buffer event occurred

Possible Values:
  • paused
  • loading
  • complete
  • stalled
  • error
type string Category of the event

This value is always buffer.


Fires when the end of a video is reached, but not when one of the following occurs:

  • The viewer advances playlist items prior to the end of a video.
  • next() is called.
    "type": "complete"
Value Description
type string Category of the event

This value is always complete.


Signals a critical error in the playback process

    "code": 224003,
    "sourceError": {},
    "type": "error",
    "message": "This video file cannot be played."
Property Description
code number Identifier for the error

See: Player Errors Reference (Web Player)
message string Text for the detected warning

See: Player Errors Reference (Web Player)
sourceError object | null Lower level error or event, caught by the player, which resulted in this error
type string Category of player event

This value is always error.


Fires when a video's first frame event occurs or the instant an audio file begins playback

Use this to determine the period of time between a user pressing play and the same user viewing their content. This event pinpoints when content playback begins.

    "loadTime": 118,
    "type": "firstFrame"
Property Description
loadTime number Time in milliseconds that elapses while the player transitions from a play attempt to a firstFrame event
type string Category of player event

This value is always firstFrame.


Fires when the player enters the idle state

    "type": "idle",  
    "newstate": "idle",  
    "oldstate": "playing",  
    "reason": "complete"  
Value Description
newstate string State to which the player moved

Possible values:
  • idle
  • playing
  • paused
oldstate string State from which the player moved

Possible values:
  • buffering
  • playing
  • paused
reason string Reason why an idle event occurred

Possible values:
  • complete
  • idle
  • error
  • pause
type string Category of the event

Possible value:
  • idle


Fires when non-advertising media within the player is paused


To listen for an ad break pause event, use .on('adPause')

    "type": "pause",
    "newstate": "paused",
    "oldstate": "playing",
    "reason": "paused",
    "pauseReason": "interaction",
    "viewable": 1
Value Description
newstate string State to which the player moved

Possible values:
  • buffering
  • idle
  • loading
  • paused
  • playing
  • stalled
oldstate string State from which the player moved

Possible values:
  • buffering
  • idle
  • loading
  • paused
  • playing
  • stalled
pauseReason string Reason for the pause

Possible values:
  • external
  • interaction
  • viewable
reason string Reason why the pause event occurred

Possible values:
  • autostart
  • clickthrough
  • external
  • interaction
  • paused
type string Category of the event

Possible value:
  • pause
viewable number Whether the player is viewable

Possible values:
  • 1
  • 0


Fires when non-advertising media within the player begins playback

To listen for an ad break play event, use .on('adPlay').

    "type": "play",
    "newstate": "playing",
    "oldstate": "buffering",
    "reason": "playing",
    "playReason": "interaction",
    "viewable": 1
Value Description
newstate string State to which the player moved

Possible Values:
  • buffering
  • idle
  • loading
  • paused
  • playing
  • stalled
oldstate string State from which the player moved

Possible Values:
  • buffering
  • idle
  • loading
  • paused
  • playing
  • stalled
playReason string Reason for the play

Possible Values:
  • autostart
  • external (API usage)
  • interaction: Click, touch, keyboard
  • playlist: Auto-advancing
  • related-audio: Auto-advancing JW Recommendations playlist
  • related-interaction: Interaction to go to a JW Recommendations playlist item
reason string Reason why the play event occurred

Possible Values:
  • autostart
  • clickthrough
  • external
  • interaction
type string Category of the event

This value is always play.
viewable number Whether the player is viewable

Possible Values:
  • 1
  • 0


Fires when playback is aborted or blocked

A failed play attempt does not result in a play. Pausing the video or changing the media results in play attempts being aborted. In mobile browsers play attempts are blocked when not started by a user gesture.

    "code": 303230,
    "sourceError": {},
    "error": {},
    "item": {...},
    "playReason": "interaction",
    "type": "playAttemptFailed"
Property Description
code number Identifier for the error

See: Player Errors Reference (Web Player)
error object Error that resulted from the play promise
item object All properties within the playlist item
playReason string Reason for the play

Possible Values:
  • api
  • custom
  • external
  • interaction
sourceError object | null Lower level error or event, caught by the player, which resulted in this error
type string Category of player event

This value is always playAttemptFailed


Fires when the playback rate has been changed

    "playbackRate": 1.25,
    "type": "playbackRateChanged"
Property Description
playbackRate number New playback rate
type string Category of player event

This value is always playbackRateChanged.


Signals a failure that is not critical to the setup or playback process

    "code": 305001,
    "sourceError": {
        "stack": "Error: Failed to load\n    at scriptTag.onerror (",
        "message": "Failed to load"
    "type": "warning"
Property Description
code number Identifier for the error

See: Player Errors Reference (Web Player)
sourceError object | null Lower level error or event, caught by the player, which resulted in this error

See: sourceError
type string Category of player event

This value is always warning.


Property Description
message string Text for the detected warning

See: Player Errors Reference (Web Player)
stack string Stack trace of the error that occurred

This value provides a detailed account of the sequence of function calls and events that led to the error.