Ad Errors and Warnings Reference (Web Player)

Identify ad errors and warnings.

JWP is excited to help you monetize your content. With that being said, the complex nature of video advertising means that ad-related errors will happen from time to time. We hope that this list of error codes provides some insight into possible reasons that you are seeing these errors. We also have included possible solutions that may lead you to being able to resolve the issue.

If you are still seeing ad-related issue after trying any applicable solutions, we highly recommend contacting your ad provider for further troubleshooting. This is because the player is primarily making the ad request using the URL you embed in the player and it is the responsibility of the ad provider to respond with a VAST-compatible response that the player can then display to your viewers. If they determine that they believe the issue is with the player, please open a case with our Support Team.

Ad client specifications

Errors often happen because ad tags or creatives are out of spec with either VAST or Google IMA. For this reason, we encourage publishers to refer to the respective specifications for the ad client they are using below:

Ad errors and warnings

VAST general errors

VAST Error CodeJWP Error CodeErrorPossible CausesPossible Solutions
10010100XML parsing error
Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β 
VAST supplied is not a valid XML document.

URL supplied does not resolve to a valid XML document.

Perhaps a CORS issue.

Check the CORS headers of the domain hosting the XML to make sure they are configured to allow the domain of the page access.

10110101VAST schema validation errorThe VAST validates as XML, but does not validate per the VAST schema. This could due to missing mandatory elements/attributes, or combinations of elements/attributes that are not permissible.

When working with third-party networks, the fill-rate can be less than 100%. If so, this is an expected error. For example, if the third-party expects to fill 60% of the time, you should expect 40% errors. You can check to ensure that the error rate is in line with the fill-rate of the third-party network.

Some ad providers use empty VAST 3.0 responses to show that they have received the request but do not wish to fill it.

10210102VAST version of response not supportedBidder did not respect the VAST version(s) in the bid request.

Exchange is sending the wrong VAST version(s) in the bid request.

The VAST does not contain the version. This could also be considered a schema validation issue.

JWP player 8 does not provide support for VAST 1.0 ads.

30110301Timeout of VAST URI provided in Wrapper element, or of VAST URI provided in a subsequent Wrapper elementInvalid URI

Unreachable or request timeout for URI

Security or other exceptions related to requesting a VAST URI

This can be caused by requesting a secure (HTTPS) resource on a non-secure (HTTP) page

Check that the VAST URI is valid and reachable

Check whether this occurs more on mobile devices

Check whether or not issue is reproducible on a non-secure (HTTP) version of your page

The timeout is configurable for using the creativeTimeout and requestTimeout configuration options. However, increasing the timeout could potentially negatively affect user experience

30310303No ads VAST response after one or more Wrappers. Also includes the number of empty VAST responses from fallback.No Ad element in VAST document after following wrappers

When working with third-party networks, the fill-rate can be less than 100%. If so, this is an expected error. For example, if the third-party expects to fill 60% of the time, you should expect 40% errors. You can check to ensure that the error rate is in line with the fill-rate of the third-party network.

40010400General linear error. Video player is unable to display the linear ad.MediaFile is not a valid video file of the specified format

Check to see if MediaFile’s format is valid and supported

Does the MediaFile’s URI actually return a video asset?

40110401File not found. Unable to find Linear/MediaFile from URIURI of Linear/MediaFile is not valid

Does the Linear/MediaFile’s URI actually return a valid asset?

40210402Timeout of MediaFile URIIssue with CDN server

Timeout (in milliseconds) when loading a video ad media file. If loading takes longer than this timeout, the ad playback is canceled

Can be caused by low bandwidth, or poor website implementation with competing requests that delay the loading of the media file

Can occur when a video auto-plays in a mobile environment, since it should be click-to-play (there are some exceptions)

The timeout is configurable for using the creativeTimeout and requestTimeout configuration options. However, increasing the timeout could potentially negatively affect user experience

40310403Could not find MediaFile that is supported by this video player, based on the attributes of the MediaFile element.Bidder did not respect the MIME types in the bid request

Exchange did not send the correct MIME types

This may indicate that the wrong creative type attempted to play. For example, a Flash creative attempted to play on a mobile device or a browser that does not support Flash.

Ad is inline but no compatible media file is found. Generally, if the player reaches a point where it sees no MediaFiles in the array of mediafiles considered eligible.

Reach out to your ad provider to request only HTML5-compatible creatives.

40510405Problem displaying MediaFileCORS issue on CDN server

Unsupported codecs

Mismatch between MIME type and video file type

Unsupported delivery method

40810408Conditional ad rejectedThis is not so much an error as it is expected when the conditionaladoptout configuration option is enabled and a conditional ad is found.

50210502Unable to fetch NonLinearAds/NonLinear resourceIssue with CDN server

90010900Undefined errorThis error is usually fired when the error does not match the criteria of any of the other errors.

100011000VMAP schema errorThe VPAID validates as XML, but does not validate per the VPAID schema. This could due to missing mandatory elements/attributes, or combinations of elements/attributes that are not permissible.

When working with third-party networks, the fill-rate can be less than 100%. If so, this is an expected error. For example, if the third-party expects to fill 60% of the time, you should expect 40% errors. You can check to ensure that the error rate is in line with the fill-rate of the third-party network.

Some ad providers use empty VAST 3.0 responses to show that they have received the request but do not wish to fill it.

100211002VMAP parsing errorThis error can be fired when the error does not match the criteria of any of the other VMAP-related errors.

100711007Ad response document retrieval timeoutIssue with CDN server

Timeout (in milliseconds) when loading an ad response. If loading takes longer than this timeout, the ad playback is canceled.

Can be caused by low bandwidth, or poor website implementation with competing requests that delay the loading of the ad response.

The timeout is configurable for using the creativeTimeout and requestTimeout configuration options. However, increasing the timeout could potentially negatively affect user experience.

100811008Ad response document retrieval errorCDN responsed with an error code.


VAST Error CodeJWP Error CodeErrorPossible CausesPossible Solutions
10050100VPAID parsing error
Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β 
VAST supplied is not a valid XML document.

URL supplied does not resolve to a valid XML document.

Perhaps a CORS issue.

Check on the CORS headers of the domain hosting the XML to make sure they are properly configured to allow the domain of the page access.

40050400VPAID general linear errorMediaFile is not a valid video file of the specified format.

Check to see if MediaFile’s format is valid and supported.

Does the MediaFile’s URI actually return a video asset?

40150401VPAID file not foundURI of Linear/MediaFile is not valid.

Does the Linear/MediaFile’s URI actually return a valid asset?

40250402VPAID playback timed outIssue with CDN server.

Timeout (in milliseconds) when loading a VPAID ad. If loading takes longer than this timeout, the ad playback is canceled.

Can be caused by low bandwidth, or poor website implementation with competing requests that delay the loading of the VPAID ad.

The timeout is configurable for using the creativeTimeout and requestTimeout configuration options. However, increasing the timeout could potentially negatively affect user experience.

40550405VPAID file could not be played
90050004VPAID ad request reached a timeoutIssue with CDN server.

Timeout (in milliseconds) when loading a VPAID ad. If loading takes longer than this timeout, the ad playback is canceled.

Can be caused by low bandwidth, or poor website implementation with competing requests that delay the loading of the VPAID ad.

The timeout is configurable for using the creativeTimeout and requestTimeout configuration options. However, increasing the timeout could potentially negatively affect user experience.

90150901VPAID general errorThis is a general error that may be fired for a number of reasons due to the fact that VPAID ads often do not provide the player with a lot of information about errors.

90151901VPAID general errorVPAID creative fired a JavaScript exception that prevented successful playback. This can be, but is not limited to, syntax errors within the VPAID's JavaScript.

Reach out to your ad provider.

IMA errors

IMA Error CodeJWP Error CodeErrorPossible CausesPossible Solutions
-20000IMA SDK download failedAd blocker caused the IMA SDK not to download
Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β 

The ad response was not recognized as a valid VAST ad.
VAST supplied is not a valid XML document.

URL supplied does not resolve to a valid XML document.

Perhaps a CORS issue.

Check on the CORS headers of the domain hosting the XML to make sure they are properly configured to allow the domain of the page access.

10120101VAST_SCHEMA_VALIDATION_ERRORThe VAST validates as XML, but does not validate per the VAST schema. This could due to missing mandatory elements/attributes, or combinations of elements/attributes that are not permissible.

When working with third-party networks, the fill-rate can be less than 100%. If so, this is an expected error. For example, if the third-party expects to fill 60% of the time, you should expect 40% errors. You can check to ensure that the error rate is in line with the fill-rate of the third-party network.

Some ad providers use empty VAST 3.0 responses to show that they have received the request but do not wish to fill it.

10220102VAST_UNSUPPORTED_VERSIONBidder did not respect the VAST version(s) in the bid request.

Exchange is sending the wrong VAST version(s) in the bid request.

JWP player 8 does not provide support for VAST 1.0 ads.

20020200VAST_TRAFFICKING_ERRORThe player received an ad type that it was not expecting and/or cannot display.

20120201VAST_UNEXPECTED_LINEARITYAd linearity is different from what the video player is expecting.

20220202VAST_UNEXPECTED_DURATION_ERRORVAST duration is different from the actual media file duration.

30020300VAST_WRAPPER_ERRORGeneral VAST wrapper error.


Unreachable or request timeout for URI

Security or other exceptions related to requesting a VAST URI.

This can be caused by requesting a secure (HTTPS) resource on a non-secure (HTTP) page.

Check that the VAST URI is valid and reachable.

Check whether this occurs more on mobile devices.

Check whether or not issue is reproducible on a non-secure (HTTP) version of your page.

The timeout is configurable for using the creativeTimeout and requestTimeout configuration options. However, increasing the timeout could potentially negatively affect user experience.

30220302VAST_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTSThe maximum number of VAST wrapper redirects has been reached.

30320303VAST_NO_ADS_AFTER_WRAPPERNo Ad element in VAST document after following wrappers.

When working with third-party networks, the fill-rate can be less than 100%. If so, this is an expected error. For example, if the third-party expects to fill 60% of the time, you should expect 40% errors. You can check to ensure that the error rate is in line with the fill-rate of the third-party network.

40020400VIDEO_PLAY_ERRORMediaFile is not a valid video file of the specified format.

Check to see if MediaFile’s format is valid and supported.

Does the MediaFile’s URI actually return a video asset?

40220402VAST_MEDIA_LOAD_TIMEOUTIssue with CDN server.

Timeout (in milliseconds) when loading a video ad media file. If loading takes longer than this timeout, the ad playback is canceled.

Can be caused by low bandwidth, or poor website implementation with competing requests that delay the loading of the media file.

Can occur when a video auto-plays in a mobile environment, since it should be click-to-play (there are some exceptions).

The timeout is configurable for using the creativeTimeout and requestTimeout configuration options. However, increasing the timeout could potentially negatively affect user experience.

40320403VAST_LINEAR_ASSET_MISMATCHBidder did not respect the MIME types in the bid request.

Exchange did not send the correct MIME types.

This may indicate that the wrong creative type attempted to play. For example, a Flash creative attempted to play on a mobile device or a browser that does not support Flash.

Ad is inline but no compatible media file is found. Generally, if the player reaches a point where it sees no MediaFiles in the array of mediafiles considered eligible.

Reach out to your ad provider to request only HTML5-compatible creatives.


Unsupported codecs.

Mismatch between MIME type and video file type.

Unsupported delivery method.

50020500OVERLAY_AD_PLAYING_FAILEDAn overlay ad failed to render.

50120501NONLINEAR_DIMENSIONS_ERRORUnable to display NonLinear ad because creative dimensions do not align with creative display area (i.e. creative dimension too large).

50220502OVERLAY_AD_LOADING_FAILEDIssue with CDN server

50320503VAST_NONLINEAR_ASSET_MISMATCHAssets were found in the VAST ad response for nonlinear ad, but none of them matched the video player's capabilities.

60220602COMPANION_REQUIRED_ERRORUnable to display one or more required companions. The master ad is discarded since the required companions could not be displayed.

60320603COMPANION_AD_LOADING_FAILEDA companion ad failed to load or render.

90020900UNKNOWN_ERRORAn unexpected error occurred and the cause is not known. Refer to the inner error for more information.

This error is usually fired when the error does not match the criteria of any of the other errors.

90120901VPAID_ERRORA VPAID error occurred. Refer to the inner error for more information.

100521005FAILED_TO_REQUEST_ADSThere was a problem requesting ads from the server.

100721007VAST_ASSET_NOT_FOUNDNo assets were found in the VAST ad response.

Issue with CDN server.

Timeout (in milliseconds) when loading an ad response. If loading takes longer than this timeout, the ad playback is canceled.

Can be caused by low bandwidth, or poor website implementation with competing requests that delay the loading of the ad response.

The timeout is configurable for using the creativeTimeout and requestTimeout configuration options. However, increasing the timeout could potentially negatively affect user experience.
100921009VAST_EMPTY_RESPONSEEmpty VAST response

When working with third-party networks, the fill-rate can be less than 100%. If so, this is an expected error. For example, if the third-party expects to fill 60% of the time, you should expect 40% errors. You can check to ensure that the error rate is in line with the fill-rate of the third-party network.

101021010UNKNOWN_AD_RESPONSEThe ad response was not understood and cannot be parsed.

101121011UNSUPPORTED_LOCALEThe language specified in the setLocale configuration option does not match any of the two-letter ISO 639-1 country codes.

101221012ADS_REQUEST_NETWORK_ERRORIssue with the CDN server.

101321013INVALID_AD_TAGThe encoding of the ad tag URL is incorrect.

Check the encoding of special characters in the URL of your ad tag.

102021020STREAM_INITIALIZATION_FAILEDThe stream that contains server-side ad insertion fails to play.

Contact your streaming provider.

102121021ASSET_FALLBACK_FAILEDThe ad provider did not return a valid ad using the fallback.

Contact your ad provider.

110121101INVALID_ARGUMENTSYou probably will not see this error when using JWP.

110521105INVALID_ADX_EXTENSIONAn invalid AdX extension was found.

120521205AUTOPLAY_DISALLOWEDThe viewer’s autoplay settings in their browser prevented the ad from autoplaying.

Configure your player to be click-to-play.

JWP ad errors

VAST Error CodeJWP Error CodeErrorPossible CausesPossible Solutions
90060001Empty VAST response
Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β 
No Ad element in VAST document after following wrappers.

When working with third-party networks, the fill-rate can be less than 100%. If so, this is an expected error. For example, if the third-party expects to fill 60% of the time, you should expect 40% errors. You can check to ensure that the error rate is in line with the fill-rate of the third-party network.

Some ad providers use empty VAST 3.0 responses to show that they have received the request but do not wish to fill it.

-60002Ad limit reachedThe amount of ad impressions your account has generated in the calendar month exceeds the specified limit.

Contact your JWP sales representative for more details or for upgrade options.

-60003Ad blockerThe viewer has an ad blocker app or extension installed for their browser.

-60004Tag download timeoutIssue with CDN server.

Timeout (in milliseconds) when loading a VPAID ad response. If loading takes longer than this timeout, the ad playback is canceled.

Can be caused by low bandwidth, or poor website implementation with competing requests that delay the loading of the VPAID ad response.

The timeout is configurable for using the creativeTimeout and requestTimeout configuration options. However, increasing the timeout could potentially negatively affect user experience.

100260005Empty VMAP responseNo Ad element in VAST document after following wrappers.

When working with third-party networks, the fill-rate can be less than 100%. If so, this is an expected error. For example, if the third-party expects to fill 60% of the time, you should expect 40% errors. You can check to ensure that the error rate is in line with the fill-rate of the third-party network.

Some ad providers use empty VAST 3.0 responses to show that they have received the request but do not wish to fill it.

90060006Ad tag failed to downloadAn ad tag failed to download, but not inside of a wrapper.

90060007Failed to play because of an unsupported operating system.An ad tag failed to play because of an unsupported operating system.

-60008Bidding plugin is unavailableThe bidding plugin was unavailable when the ad was requested.

Might be resolved in a later attempt.

-60009Not entitled for Player BiddingYour account is not entitled for Player Bidding.

Contact your JWP sales representative for more details or for upgrade options.

-60900Unknown error

JWP ad warnings

VAST Error CodeJWP Error CodeErrorPossible CausesPossible Solutions
100270001Tracking events are missing breakStart, breakEnd, or error for AdBreak
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VMAP does not contain tracking events for the ad break. The ad will still play but there will not be pings sent for the events missing from the tracking events.Contact your ad provider.

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