Advertising (Android)

JWP's advertising features help you to monetize your content with video ads while keeping your viewers engaged. JWP supports standard ad types (VAST, VMAP), accommodates third-party technologies (Google IMA SDK), and supports any ad server that returns the previously-mentioned ad types. You can customize your viewers' ad experiences with ad rules, ad breaks, and localized player messaging.


JWP's advertising features do not support VPAID 1.0 or VPAID 2.0.


VAST or Google IMA

To begin running VAST or IMA advertising through your JWP, you need the following items.

EmbeddedΒ JWPΒ PlayerJWP player with content
Ad tag(IMA, VAST) URL of the ad tag for VAST and IMA plugins.

NOTE: The ad tag must be an active tag generated from an advertising platform in a supported ad format.

With the items in the table, you can start to monetize your content with VAST or IMA ads.

Google DAI

To begin running DAI advertising through your JWP, you need the following items.

EmbeddedΒ JWPΒ PlayerJWP player with content
assetKeyGoogle account stream asset key, used for live streams
cmsIDGoogle account content management system ID of the video, used for video on demand
videoIDGoogle account identifier of the DAI video to be displayed, used for video on demand
streamType(HLS or DASH) This option is provided for our SDK. (ImaDaiSetting.StreamType.HLS or ImaDaiSetting.StreamType.DASH)

With the items in the table, you can start to monetize your content with DAI ads.

© 2007- Longtail Ad Solutions, Inc.