Ad formats reference


Please note, this document describes the advertising clients, formats, and servers that are only supported in the Enterprise edition of JWP. For inquiries related to creating or upgrading to an Enterprise account, please submit your contact information here.

Ad Clients

JWP supports the industry-standard ad clients listed in the following table.

Ad Client Description
VAST/VPAID Ads served by a VAST-compliant video ad server. This is the default and most widely used method.

For a sampling of these servers, please see the Supported Ad Servers section.
Google IMA Google's Interactive Media Ads (IMA) SDK version 3 provides support for serving ads via Google's proprietary platforms along with other third-party ad servers.
VMAP VAST or Google IMA Ads served by a VAST-compliant video ad server can be scheduled throughout video playback in a VMAP tag. See Scheduling Ads with VMAP.
Freewheel FreeWheel's HTML5 Ad Manager SDK provides support for serving ads via FreeWheel's proprietary ad server via configuration in their MRM Platform. Serving ads via FreeWheel requires an existing relationship with FreeWheel and is largely separate in implementation from VAST/IMA.

Support Ad Standards

A single JWP setup is capable of delivering ads across desktop browsers and mobile devices (iOS/Android). In particular, we support the standards in the following table.

Client HTML5
  • VAST 4.0 8.0.0+
    The player can play VAST 4.1 XML. However, the player but does not support all VAST 4.1 features. Currently, VAST 4.1 XML is treated like VAST 4.0 XML.

  • VAST 3.0 + VPAID 2.0 < 8.0.0
  • VAST 2.0
Google IMA IMA version 3
FreeWheel JS SDK


Video ads work on all Supported Browsers and platforms (desktop, mobile, OTT), provided that they have a compatible media creative. If a video ad is played in fullscreen, it will not be clickable.

Supported Ad Creatives

Format HTML5 Mode
Ad Pods
  • MP4
  • MOV
  • WEBM
  • VPAID (JS)
  • MP3
  • AAC
  • GIF
  • JPG
  • PNG
  • HTML
  • MP4
  • MOV
  • WEBM
  • VPAID (JS)
  • MP3
  • AAC
  • HLS
  • VPAID (JS)
  • GIF
  • JPG
  • PNG
Skippable Linear
  • MP4
  • MOV
  • WEBM
  • VPAID (JS)
  • MP3
  • AAC
  • HLS


  • Support for creative types also depends upon the device's HTML5 capabilities. Generally, a .mp4 file work everywhere. A .webm file only works in Firefox/Chrome.
  • For IMA, all creatives served by the DFP server are supported. See the IMA SDK Documentation for more info.
  • For FreeWheel, only creatives supported by FreeWheel's SDK can be displayed by the player.

Supported Ad Servers

Our generic VAST ad client works with any ad server that complies with the IAB's VAST spec. Below is a non-exhaustive list of ad servers our customers have used in the past or present.

24/7 Real By AOLAdFormAdJuggler
BrightrollEmediateGoogle Ad ManagerInnovid
SizmekSmart Ad ServerSmartclipSpotXchange


  • As with all cross-origin files, Cross-Domain File Loading must be taken into account for HTML5 (CORS). Make sure to check this if you intend to serve ads between domains.
  • For IMA, Google Ad Manager (GAM), Ad Exchange for Video, the AdSense for Video (AFV) network, along with third-party ad servers are supported. See the IMA SDK Documentation for more info.
  • For FreeWheel, only FreeWheel's proprietary ad server is supported.

Ad Client Comparison

The following table lists functions supported by each ad client.

Ad Scheduling via Player SetupYESYESYES
Ad Tag VariablesYESYES
Limited to IMA-compatible variables
Ad Tag WaterfallingYESNON/A
Companion AdsYESYESYES
Configurable Ad SkippingYESNOYES
Google IMA Ad RulesNOYESN/A
Non-linear AdvertisementsYESYESYES
Per-Playlist Item ScheduleYESYESYES