Create and associate a Player Bidding template
By creating a Player Bidding template from your JWP dashboard, you can access the benefits of Player Bidding, including increasing competition for your inventory to boost your ad yield without placing any additional code on your page.
If you are a developer, have developer resources, or have an existing Video Prebid implementation, follow our developer instructions for Player Bidding.
Create a Player Bidding template
When enabling GDPR or CCPA, you must have a recognized consent management platform (CMP). Otherwise, Prebid.js will reject the bid request and a bid error will occur.
Use the following steps to create a Player Bidding template that you can use with your ad schedules:
From the Advertising page, click Create Template. The Create Template panel appears.
If you have already created one or more templates, follow these steps to create a new one:
- Click Manage Templates. The Manage Templates panel appears.
- Click Create New Template. The Create Template panel appears.
In the Template Name text box, enter a name for the Player Bidding template.
(Optional) Click the Make Default Template check box. When checked, this template will automatically populate if no template is imported when creating an ad schedule.
From the Mediation Option dropdown menu, select a mediation option.
(JW Player, Google Ad Manager, JWP+GAM) In the Floor Price text box enter a floor price. Determining the best floor price depends upon various factors. If you need assistance determining the best floor price, please consult with your JW Player representative or SSP partner.
Not all mediation options accept a floor price.
(Google Ad Manager, JWP+GAM) Under Choose whether or not to send all bids, choose to Send All Bids or Send Highest Bid Only. Choose Send Highest Bid Only if you have line item limits in your ad server.
(Google Ad Manager, JWP+GAM) Under Price Range, add the Start Price, End Price, and Increment for a price range. Click Add Price Range to define additional price ranges with different increment values.
From the Ad Partners drop-down menu, select an ad partner and click Add. Repeat this step to add multiple ad partners. As an ad partner is added, the partner's name appears in a list on the lower part of the panel.
Enter your ad partner information. This is typically a combination of identifiers like publisher ID, section ID, or channel ID.
From Placement Type dropdown menu, select the IAB plcmt attribute.
Choose whether or not CCPA Applies. If you select Yes, you can click Advanced Settings to set the Timeout(ms).
When enabling CCPA, you must have a recognized consent management platform (CMP). Otherwise, Prebid will reject the bid request and a bid error will occur.
Choose whether or not GDPR Applies. If you select Yes, you can click Advanced Settings to reveal additional options.
GDPR Advanced Settings
Enter your advanced settings for GDPR using either method below.
Option Description Manually Configure - Under the Manually Configure tab, enter a Timeout interval in milliseconds (ms).
- Click the Yes or No radio button to Treat GDPR as Default.
- Select a CMP TCF Version.
- Click the Yes or No radio button to Disable Consent Management when No CMP.
Existing Content Block - Under the Use Existing Content Block tab, paste the GDPR object that you are using in your Prebid.js implementation.
When enabling GDPR, you must have a recognized consent management platform (CMP). Otherwise, Prebid will reject the bid request and a bid error will occur.
Click Save.
You have completed creating a Player Bidding template. You can now associate a Player Bidding template to an ad schedule.
Associate Player Bidding templates
After creating Player Bidding templates, they can be associated to ad schedules. Player Bidding template settings can be associated with an ad schedule in two ways: applying a Player Bidding template or importing a Player Bidder template.
Apply a bidding template to an ad schedule
Use the following steps to apply a bidding template to an ad schedule:
- On the Advertising page, hover over the row for an ad schedule and click the check box that appears to the left of the ad schedule name. To select multiple ad schedules, repeat this step.
- Directly above the list of ad schedules, click + Apply Bidding Template. The Apply Bidding Template window will appear.
- Choose to Use default template or Select another template:
- If you choose Use default template, the default Player Bidding template will be applied.
- If you choose Select another template, a dropdown menu appears from which you can select a Player Bidding template to be applied. Only Player Bidding templates that align with the ad client parameters will be listed.
- Click Apply.
Import a Player Bidding template
If you have multiple Player Bidding templates, you can choose to import the settings from one or several Player Bidding templates when creating or editing an ad schedule. Importing a template will populate the settings from the chosen template.
- Importing a template is additive and will not overwrite information that is not already in the template.
- After importing a template, changes can be made to the ad schedule without affecting the template.
Import to a new ad schedule
Use the following steps to import a Player Bidding template to a new ad schedule:
- From the Advertising page, click Create Ad Schedule.
- Under Player Bidding, click Enable. The Enable Player Bidding panel appears.
- From the first dropdown menu, select a Player Bidding template.
- Click Import from Template. The Enable Player Bidding panel settings will be populated with the settings of the selected Player Bidding template. To import multiple templates, repeat steps 3 and 4.
- Click Select.
- Click Save.
Import to an existing ad schedule
Use the following steps to import a Player Bidding template to an existing ad schedule:
- From the Advertising page, click the name of the ad schedule. A page displaying the settings of the ad schedule appears.
- Under Player Bidding, click ⋯ > Edit. The Enable Player Bidding panel appears.
- From the first dropdown menu, select a Player Bidding template.
- Click Import from Template. The settings of the selected Player Bidding template are appended to or replace the existing Enable Player Bidding panel settings. To import multiple templates, repeat steps 3 and 4.
None of the existing settings on the Enable Player Bidding panel will be removed.
- Click Select.
- Click Save.
Updated 8 months ago