Player Bidding Overview
Player Bidding connects your digital video inventory directly to advertising demand sources, increasing competition for your inventory to boost your ad yield. By creating a Player Bidding template in your JWP dashboard, you can access the benefits of Player Bidding without placing any additional code on your page.
If you are a developer, have developer resources, or have an existing Video Prebid implementation, follow our developer instructions for Player Bidding.
Item | Description |
Ad partner IDs | You will need the correct combination of IDs for each ad partner that you include in your Player Bidding implementation. If you do not have an existing relationship with any of these partners, your JWP representative can introduce you to one of our partners. |
Ads.txt | You need to add the appropriate entries for your ad partners to your Authorized Digital Sellers text file. |
Ad (Break) Schedule | You must have an existing ad schedule configured in your JWP dashboard. |
Embedded JW Player | When configuring Player Bidding from your JWP dashboard, you must have an embedded cloud-hosted player on your page. |
JWP permissions | You must have Player Bidding enabled for your account and an Enterprise. Contact your JWP representative for more information. |
Privacy Frameworks | JWP supports the following privacy frameworks: IAB CCPA COMPLIANCE FRAMEWORK (CCPA only) The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) grants California consumers several rights: • Right to know what personal information is collected • Right to delete personal information • Right to opt-out of sale of personal information • Right to non-discrimination in terms of price or service when a consumer exercises a privacy right under CCPA If you are subject to CCPA, be sure that your developer team implements the IAB CCPA Compliance Framework. IAB EUROPE TRANSPARENCY AND CONSENT FRAMEWORK (GDPR only) The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) addresses "the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data": • Consent [...] given in the context of a written declaration • Right to withdraw [...] consent at any time If you need to send General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) consent through your bids, be sure that your developer team implements the IAB Europe Transparency and Consent Framework. |
Mediation options
Player Bidding allows you to choose between several mediation layer options. When you choose a mediation option, you are choosing how the bid auction occurs. Each mediation option is explained in the following table.
JW Player | (Google IMA, VAST) • An auction is conducted by the player. • If a winner is selected, the winner's ad is called. If no winner is selected, the fallback tag is called. |
Google Ad Manager | (Google IMA) • No auction is conducted by the player. • All bids are sent to Google Ad Manager (GAM) and rendered as line items that compete against other line items. • GAM serves the winning line item. |
JWP + GAM | (Google IMA) • An initial auction is conducted by the player. • If a winner is selected, the winner's ad will is called. If no winner is selected, the fallback tag is called. If no winner is selected for any reason, all valid bids are sent to GAM where the bid values are rendered as line items to compete against other line items. • GAM serves the winning line item. |
SpotX | (VAST) • No auction is conducted by the player. • The player asks SpotX for a bid and calls the returned ad response regardless of price. |
Updated over 1 year ago