Dynamic Strategy Rules Dataset

Strategy Rules Placement Daily Definitions

Daily rollups of the Dynamic Strategy Rules data

Name Column Name Description
Ad Clicks AD_CLICKS integer Number of times an ad was clicked in an embedded player
Ad Completes AD_COMPLETES integer Number of times an ad was completed in an embedded player
Ad Impressions AD_IMPRESSIONS integer Number of ad starts across all embedded players
Ad Requests AD_REQUESTS integer Number of times an ad was requested from an embedded player
Ad Skips AD_SKIPS integer Number of times an ad was skipped in an embedded player
Ad Viewable Impressions AD_VIEWABLE_IMPRESSIONS integer Total number of viewable ad impressions in this session, as defined by the IAB (a viewer has watched an ad for 2 consecutive seconds with at least 50% of the pixels in the viewport)

The following are required to properly receive metrics:
  • Player version 8.5+
  • Ad schedule ID
Completes COMPLETES integer Number of times a viewer watched the end of a media item
Continent Code CONTINENT_CODE string Two-letter continent code for the user who was accessing the placement, such as EU and AF
Device Type DEVICE_TYPE string Device on which the user experienced the placement, such as Desktop, Phone, Tablet, TV, Other, and Unknown
Eastern Date EASTERN_DATE string Date when the media item started to play within a player, using YYYY-MM-DD (USA - Eastern Time) format
Embeds EMBEDS integer Number of times a player has been set up on a page

The following behaviors can log an embed:
  • Loading or refreshing a page with an embedded player
  • Resetting an embedded player without refreshing the page
Midroll Ad Impressions MIDROLL_AD_IMPRESSIONS integer Number of midroll ad starts across all embedded players
Placement Embeds PLACEMENT_EMBEDS integer Number of successful placement embeds for a given placement ID
Placement ID PLACEMENT_ID string ID associated with a Dynamic Strategy Rules placement
Placement Viewers PLACEMENT_VIEWERS integer Number of placement unique viewers, where uniqueness is determined by the distinct combination of user agent and IP address
Plays PLAYS integer Number of media item starts

The player does not have to be visible for this event to fire. This is based on the firstFrame player event.
Site ID SITE_ID string Unique alphanumeric ID of the site
US, UK, or Rest of the World US_UK_OR_ROW string General location of the viewer

Possible Values:
  • US: United States of America
  • UK: United Kingdom
  • ROW: (Rest of the World) Any country besides the United States of America or the United Kingdom
Watched Duration WATCHED_DURATION integer Total duration watched in seconds
Watched Duration Viewable WATCHED_DURATION_VIEWABLE integer Total duration watched and viewable during this session in seconds

In this instance, viewable means that 50% of the video pixels are in the viewport of the active tab.

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