Dynamic Strategy Rules Datasets


Discover some useful queries you can run against these datasets.

Placement Definitions

Individual placement details

Name Column Name Description
Creation Date CREATED string Creation date and time of the placement in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.0000 format
Description DESCRIPTION string Description of the placement
Enabled ENABLED boolean Indicates if the placement should be loaded

This value impacts IS_DELIVERABLE.
ID ID string Unique identifier for a placement
Is Deleted IS_DELETED boolean Indicates whether the placement is deleted
Is Deliverable IS_DELIVERABLE boolean Indicates if the placement is deliverable

Placements can only be served when IS_DELIVERABLE is true. To be have a value of true, the following conditions must be met:
  • The placement must have an associated strategy.
  • The strategy must be valid.
  • The strategy must have a readystatus.
  • The placement must be enabled.
Last Modified LAST_MODIFIED string Date and time of the last update to the placement in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.0000 format
Name NAME string Name of the placement
Site ID SITE_ID string Unique alphanumeric identifier of the site
Strategy ID STRATEGY_ID string Unique identifier of the strategy metadata loaded within the placement

Multiple record may be returned representing all versions of the strategy. Use the latest version to the current strategy configuration when joining on this column.

Placement Sessions

Placement-level ping data

Name Column Name Description
Analytics ID ANALYTICS_ID string 22-character alphanumeric ID representing a grouping of properties
Browser BROWSER string Browser on which the placement is embedded
Browser Version BROWSER_VERSION string Browser version this user was using
City CITY string City from which the user accessed the placement

This value is derived from the city associated with the requesting IP or device.
Client ID CLIENT_ID string Unique cookie ID for a particular domain

This ID can only be used to track a particular viewer within one site, not across different sites
Continent Code CONTINENT_CODE string Two-letter continent code for the user who was accessing the placement, such as EU and AF
Country Code COUNTRY_CODE string Country code from which this user was accessing the placement
Device Type DEVICE_TYPE string Device on which the user experienced the placement, such as Desktop, Phone, Tablet, TV, Other, and Unknown
DMA Code DMA_CODE string Designated Market Area for placement ad targeting purposes
Eastern Date EASTERN_DATE string Date, Eastern Time. YYYY-MM-DD
Embed Script Version EMBED_SCRIPT_VERSION string Version of the placement-embed-js script that loaded on the placement
End Time END_TIME string End time of a placement session in UTC (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.0000)

This corresponds to the final ping for a given placement embed ID.
Is Frame Placement IS_IFRAME_PLACEMENT boolean Indicates whether the placement is currently running inside of an iFrame

Possible Values:
  • 1: The placement runs inside an iFrame.
  • 0: The placement does not run inside an iFrame.
Operating System OPERATING_SYSTEM string Operating system on device used for given session
Operating System Version OS_VERSION string Version for the operating system of the device the placement was experienced on, such as 10.1.
Page Domain PAGE_DOMAIN string Domain of the page where the placement occurred
Page Title PAGE_TITLE string Title of the page where the placement occurred
Page URL PAGE_URL string URL of the page where the placement occurred (window.location.href)
Page URL Normalized PAGE_URL_NORMALIZED string URL of the page stripped of query parameters and fragments

The path is also encoded using UTF-8. Invalid URLs will be an empty string.
Placement Embed Attempts PLACEMENT_EMBED_ATTEMPTS number Number of attempts to embed a specific placement ID
Placement Embed ID PLACEMENT_EMBED_ID string Unique identifier generated for each placement instance that is embedded on a page
Placement Embeds PLACEMENT_EMBEDS number Number of successful placement embeds for a given placement ID
Placement Evaluation ID PLACEMENT_EVAL_ID string Unique identifier generated for each evaluation of a placement on a page
Placement ID PLACEMENT_ID string Unique identifier for a placement

This is the primary key used when embedding a placement within a publisher's page.
Postal Code POSTAL_CODE string Postal or zip code
Referrer URL REFERRER_URL string Referring URL that was logged in NGINX
Region REGION string Region from which the ping was received
Start Time START_TIME string Starting time of a placement session in UTC (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.0000)

This corresponds to the first ping for a given placement embed ID.
Strategy Evaluation Errors STRATEGY_EVALUATION_ERRORS number Number of failed strategy evaluations
Strategy Evaluations STRATEGY_EVALUATIONS number Number of successful strategy evaluations for a specific placement embed ID
Strategy Outcome ID STRATEGY_OUTCOME_ID string Unique identifier for a strategy outcome
Tracker Version TRACKER_VERSION string Version of the placement ping plugin
Viewer ID VIEWER_ID string Hashed representation of a viewer's user agent and IP address
Viewer Timezone Offset VIEWER_TZ_OFFSET number Timezone offset from which the ping was received

Strategy Node Definitions

Individual node configuration details

Name Column Name Description
Merged Config MERGED_CONFIG JSON object JSON representation of the resulting configuration that will be loaded on the page given the results of any/all conditions within the tree.
Node Definition NODE_DEFINITION JSON object JSON representing the specific configuration of the node
Node ID NODE_ID string Unique identifier of a node

This value is unique only within a given tree or strategy. This identifier is used when identifying the path in a strategy outcome.
Node Subtype NODE_SUBTYPE string Subset of the node type
Node Type NODE_TYPE string Type of the node

Possible Values
  • ab_test: Weighted traffic branches
  • conditional: Visit conditions, arranged in traditional split branch format
  • config: Experiences, including ads, content, and custom code
  • switch: Visit conditions, arranged in new groups format
  • trigger: Trigger events and actions
Site ID SITE_ID string Unique alphanumeric identifier of the site
Strategy ID STRATEGY_ID string Unique identifier of the strategy metadata loaded within the placement

Multiple record may be returned representing all versions of the strategy. Use the latest version to the current strategy configuration when joining on this column.
Strategy Tree Version ID STRATEGY_TREE_VERSION_ID string Unique identifier of a strategy tree version

Each time a strategy tree is updates, a new version is generated

Strategy Outcomes

Individual strategy outcome configurations

Name Column Name Description
Creation Date CREATED string Creation date and time of the record in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.0000 format
ID ID string Unique identifier of a strategy outcome
Merged Config MERGED_CONFIG JSON object JSON representation of the resulting configuration that will be loaded on the page given the results of any/all conditions within the tree.
Nodes NODES string array List of nodes included in the outcome of the tree
Site ID SITE_ID string Unique alphanumeric identifier of the site
Strategy ID STRATEGY_ID string Unique identifier of the strategy metadata loaded within the placement

Multiple record may be returned representing all versions of the strategy. Use the latest version to the current strategy configuration when joining on this column.
Strategy Tree Version ID STRATEGY_TREE_VERSION_ID string Unique identifier of a strategy tree version

Each time a strategy tree is updates, a new version is generated

Strategy Tree Version

Configuration description of the entire tree

Name Column Name Description
Creation Date CREATED string Creation date and time of the record in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.0000 format
ID ID string Unique identifier of a strategy tree version

Each time a strategy tree is updated, a new version is generated.
Is Deleted IS_DELETED boolean Indicates whether the placement is deleted
Is Valid IS_VALID boolean Indicates if the strategy meets all validation requirements

This value is used to determine if the placement is deliverable.
Reference Strategy IDs REFERENCE_STRATEGY_IDS string array List of strategy IDs that are referenced within the tree.
Site ID SITE_ID string Unique alphanumeric identifier of the site
Strategy ID STRATEGY_ID string Unique identifier of the strategy metadata loaded within the placement

Multiple record may be returned representing all versions of the strategy. Use the latest version to the current strategy configuration when joining on this column.
Tree TREE JSON object Representation of the strategy

Trigger Events

Name Column Name Description
Analytics ID ANALYTICS_ID string Unique identifier for analytics
Event Time EVENT_TIME string Timestamp the event occurred
Node ID NODE_ID string Unique identifier of a node

This value is unique only within a given tree or strategy. This identifier is used when identifying the path in a strategy outcome.
Placement Embed ID PLACEMENT_EMBED_ID string Unique identifier generated for each placement instance that is embedded on a page
Placement Evaluation ID PLACEMENT_EVAL_ID string Unique identifier generated for each evaluation of a placement on a page
Placement ID PLACEMENT_ID string Unique identifier for a placement

This is the primary key used when embedding a placement within a publisher's page.

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