Manage a strategy

After creating a strategy, you can view, edit, duplicate, and delete it. The following sections explain how to manage strategies by performing each of these different tasks.

Edit a strategy

Strategy setting panel

Strategy settings panel

Follow these steps to edit a strategy:

  1. On the Dynamic strategy rules page on the Strategies tab, click the name of a strategy. The decision tree of the strategy appears.
  2. Click Settings. The Strategy settings panel opens.
  3. Edit the strategy details.
    NameUnique, user-friendly name used to identify this strategy on the Strategies tab

    Follow these steps:
    1. Click the X to clear the current name.
    2. Enter a new name.
    Search for Placements to linkLocation in which the strategy will appear

    Follow this step:
    1. In the Search for Placements to link, search for and click on an unlinked placement. The placement will appear under Linked Placements.


      If the desired placement does not exist, click Create ["PlacementName"] placement. The new placement will appear under Linked Placements.

    Linked PlacementsPlacements associated with the strategy

    Follow this step to unlink a placement:
    1. Click ⋯ > Unlink placement.

  4. click Done. The panel closes.
  5. Click Save.

Duplicate a strategy

You can duplicate a strategy to use it as the foundation for a new strategy.

Strategies tab and duplicate icon

Strategies tab and duplicate icon

Follow these steps to duplicate a strategy:

  1. On the Dynamic strategy rules page on the Strategies tab, hover over the strategy.
  2. Click (duplicate icon). A copy of the strategy with copy appended to the name will appear in the list.
  3. Edit the strategy.

Delete a strategy


Deleting a strategy is permanent and irreversible.

If a strategy is no longer needed, you can delete it.

Deleting a strategy

Deleting a strategy

Follow these steps to duplicate a strategy:

  1. Verify that no placements are listed under Linked Placements.
  2. On the Dynamic strategy rules page on the Strategies tab, hover over the strategy.
  3. Click (trash can icon). The Delete strategy popup window appears.
  4. In the text field, enter the name of the strategy.
  5. Click Delete.

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