Data Sharing Datasets
Read definitions of data sets that are only available in Data Sharing
To view performance measurement data available in the API, Custom Reports, and Data Sharing, see Metrics and Dimensions.
Media Custom Parameters
This dataset contains custom parameters which are rows of data containing all the custom parameters for a given media item.
Item | Description |
Table name | JW_DATA.PUBLIC.MEDIA_CUSTOM_PARAMETERS_<jw_account_id>; |
Data attributes | See: Media Custom Parameters |
New row creation | A new row is created each time a custom parameter is added to a media item. |
Data refresh rate | Once per morning, US - Eastern (UTC -4 / UTC -5)*
* The time zone depends on whether daylight saving time or standard time is in effect. |
Media Metadata
This dataset contains media which are rows of data containing all of the media in your JWP account.
Item | Description |
Table name | JW_DATA.PUBLIC.MEDIA_<jw_account_id>; |
Data attributes | See: Media Metadata |
New row creation | A new row is created each time a new media is added into the JWP Platform. |
Data refresh rate | Once per morning, US - Eastern (UTC -4 / UTC -5)*
* The time zone depends on whether daylight saving time or standard time is in effect. |
This dataset contains media tags which are rows of data containing all the tags for a given media item.
Item | Description |
Table name | JW_DATA.PUBLIC.MEDIA_TAGS_<jw_account_id>; |
Data attributes | See: Tags |
New row creation | A new row is created each time a tag is added to a media item. |
Data refresh rate | Once per morning, US - Eastern (UTC -4 / UTC -5)*
* The time zone depends on whether daylight saving time or standard time is in effect. |
OTT Play Sessions
This dataset contains play sessions which are rows of data containing attributes that pertain to a specific user watching a specific video in an implementation based on Apps.
Item | Description |
Table name | JW_DATA.PUBLIC.BATCH_OTT_PLAY_SESSIONS_<jw_account_id>; |
Number of data attributes | See: Data Sharing metrics and dimensions |
New play session row creation | A new row is created when either of the following occurs:
SUM these rows to determine the total time watched for the session.
User session generation | Linking all play sessions for a specific user during a visit provides an understanding of the viewer's user session. |
Data refresh rate | Continuously appended throughout the day |
Play Sessions
This dataset contains play sessions which are rows of data containing attributes that pertain to a specific user watching a specific video in a JWP cloud-hosted, JWP self-hosted, or JWP SDK player.
Item | Description |
Table name | JW_DATA.PUBLIC.PLAY_SESSIONS_<jw_account_id>; |
Number of data attributes | See: Data Sharing metrics and dimensions |
New play session row creation | A new row is created when either of the following occurs:
SUM these rows to determine the total time watched for the session.
User session generation | Linking all play sessions for a specific user during a visit provides an understanding of the viewer's user session. |
Data refresh rate | Once per morning, US - Eastern (UTC -4 / UTC -5)*
* The time zone is affected by whether daylight saving time or standard time is in effect. |
Server-Side Play Sessions
These datasets contain play sessions, which are rows of data containing attributes that pertain to a specific user watching a specific video fetched from the JWP content delivery network (CDN).
You may key server-side play sessions using either the Viewer ID or User ID identity metrics.
Item | Description |
Table name | (Direct Snowflake Share) CDN_PLAY_METRICS_<JW_ACCOUNT_ID>_<SNOWFLAKE_ID> (Snowflake Reader Account) CDN_PLAY_METRICS_<JW_ACCOUNT_ID> |
Number of data attributes | See: Server-side analytics datasets |
New play session row creation | A new row is created when either of the following occurs:
User session generation | Linking all play sessions for a specific viewer during a visit provides an understanding of the viewer's session. |
Data refresh rate | Once per day, 3-5 AM UTC* * Server-side analytics become available 3-5 hours after the day of the play session ends. |
Dynamic Strategy Rules
Placement Definitions
This dataset contains individual placement details.
Item | Description |
Table name | JW_DATA.PUBLIC.PLACEMENT_DEFINITIONS_<jw_account_id>; |
Data attributes | See: Placement Definitions |
New row creation | A new row is created each time a new placement is defined. |
Data refresh rate | Once per day, 4-5 AM UTC |
Placement Sessions
This dataset contains placement-level ping data.
Item | Description |
Table name | JW_DATA.PUBLIC.PLACEMENT_SESSIONS_<jw_account_id>; |
Data attributes | See: Placement Sessions |
New row creation | A new row is created each time a user leaves the page. |
Data refresh rate | Once per day, 6-7 AM UTC |
Strategy Node Definitions
This dataset contains individual node configuration details.
Item | Description |
Table name | JW_DATA.PUBLIC.STRATEGY_NODE_DEFINTIONS_<jw_account_id>; |
Data attributes | See: Strategy Node Definitions |
New row creation | A new row is created each time a new strategy is defined or changed. |
Data refresh rate | Once per day, 4-5 AM UTC |
Strategy Outcomes
This dataset contains individual strategy outcome configurations.
Item | Description |
Table name | JW_DATA.PUBLIC.STRATEGY_OUTCOMES_<jw_account_id>; |
Data attributes | See: Strategy Node Definitions |
New row creation | A new row is created each time a new strategy is defined or changed. |
Data refresh rate | Once per day, 4-5 AM UTC |
Strategy Tree Version
This dataset contains the configuration description of the entire tree.
Item | Description |
Table name | JW_DATA.PUBLIC.STRATEGY_TREE_VERSION_<jw_account_id>; |
Data attributes | See: Strategy Tree Version |
New row creation | A new row is created each time a new strategy is defined or changed. |
Data refresh rate | Once per day, 4-5 AM UTC |
Trigger Events
This dataset contains the event data for a trigger.
Item | Description |
Table name | JW_DATA.PUBLIC.TRIGGER_EVENTS_<jw_account_id>; |
Data attributes | See: Trigger Events |
New row creation | A new row is created each time an individual trigger that occurs for the user. |
Data refresh rate | Once per day, 6-7 AM UTC |
How are play sessions created?
As a viewer watches a video, the player sends a ping at certain intervals or user actions. This data is combined together into a session to create a play session.
In instances when a viewer has an ad blocker enabled, some ping data may not be captured.
How is Time Watched calculated?
As a viewer watches a video, the player periodically sends a ping to JWP. JWP uses the duration between pings to calculate the Time Watched metric.
Updated 7 months ago