Add a trailer

Upload a trailer for your video content

Adding a trailer to your video content allows viewers to preview a video file for the media.

JWP recommends uploading a trailer for each uploaded video. Trailers encourage user engagement and a higher conversion rate to a paid subscription.

Add Media menu in Media LIbrary

Add media menu


App config entitlementEntitlement to use the app config

App config entitlement also enables the content types feature.

For more information, contact your JWP representative.
Content types loaded to propertyType of media based on shared custom parameters

To access the Trailer content type, load default content types to your JWP property.

Upload a trailer

Use the following steps to upload a trailer of more than 2 seconds duration to the dashboard:

  1. Prepare your video content.
  2. From your Media library, click Add media > Trailer. The media upload page appears.
  3. In the file picker, drag and drop a video file or choose a file from the selector. The Upload in progress tile displays a progress bar. Upon a successful upload, the panel reads Upload complete.
  4. Click Exit. The Media library reappears.

Now that your content has been uploaded, you can add metadata to the trailer.

Associate a trailer with a video

Trailer field under Content Type section

Trailer field under Content type section

Trailers can be associated with video content, including movies, episodes, and series. Use the following steps to associate a trailer with its video:

  1. Upload the trailer video.
  2. From your Media library, select the media item with which you want to associate the trailer. The media details page appears.
  3. Under the Content type section, in the Trailer field, click + Select media. The Select media panel opens.
  4. Select the trailer video. The video file appears under the Trailer field.
  5. Click Save.

Add trailer metadata

Follow these steps to add metadata to your trailer:

  1. From your Media library, select a trailer. The media details page appears.

  2. Edit your video metadata.

  3. Under the Content type section, in the Free field, click the Yes or No radio button to indicate whether the content is free or paid.

  4. Click Save.

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