
Learn how to define a Dynamic Strategy Rules partnership experience configuration

A partnership experience configuration allows you to define partner settings, specify media to display, and add an ad tag.


Item Description
Partner Information Partner-specific Information obtained from the partner

  • Customer ID
  • Player ID
  • Preroll Line Item ID

Define a partnership experience

Create Partnership Experience details page

Create Partnership Experience details page

Follow these steps to create a partnership experience configuration:

  1. On the Library tab, click Create > Partnership. The Configure Partnership Experience page appears.
  2. Under Configure your Partnership Experience, enter a Name. This will identify the partnership configuration on the Library tab.
  3. On the 1. Partner settings tab, add a partner:
    1. Choose a Partner. The partner-specific fields appear.
    2. Enter the partner-specifc information.
      1. Enter your Customer ID.
      2. Enter the Player ID.
      3. Enter the Preroll Line Item ID.

  4. On the 2. Media curation tab, add a library:
    1. Under Link to Media curation, from the Select Media curation dropdown menu, select a library.
    2. Click Link. The media curation settings will populate the page.


      Partnership experiences do not support DRM-protected media.

  5. On the 3. Advertising tab, define the ad to display:
    1. Enter the Ad tag URL.


      Macros can be added to an ad tag to target the ads returned. These macros are replaced in real time. It is common to add 10+ macros to a single ad tag.

    2. (Optional) Click Use key for ad tag if available. Enter the key for the custom data in the textbox that appears.
  6. Click Save. The partnership configuration will appear on the Library tab.


You can also configure a partnership experience to occur based on a trigger event.

Follow these steps to define the action for a trigger:

  1. From the Action type dropdown menu, select Partnership Experience.
  2. Define the Partner.

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