Edit stream metadata
Manage the metadata associated with a Broadcast Live stream
After creating a Broadcast Live stream, you can enrich your viewers' experiences by incorporating metadata, which offers additional information about your stream. Metadata consists of descriptive elements such as stream descriptions, relevant tags, and the publishing date, all of which enhance your viewers' understanding of and engagement with your content.
Edit metadata
The stream metadata is captured in the associated media item. Both the Broadcast Live stream ID and the associated media ID of the item have the same value.
Use the following steps to edit metadata fields for a Broadcast Live stream:
- From your JWP dashboard Media Library, click the name of the stream. The details page of the stream appears.
- Click the title of the stream to rename the video.
- On the Basic Information or Advanced Settings tab, update one or more metadata sections of fields. The tables below describe each metadata section and field.
- Click Save.
You can now configure monetization for the stream with server-side ad insertion (SSAI) advertisements or embed and start broadcasting content through the stream.
Basic Information

Basic Information tab
Section | Description |
Description | Short explanation of the stream content
This text can improve search engine optimization and video recommendations. To prevent having a description shortened in search engine results, limit descriptions to less than 100 characters. |
Tags | User-generated labels used to classify a stream
You can add tags as single tags or as a comma-separated list: Single Tag
Content Type | Enables selecting a content type schema for a live stream
Content types allow you to classify media by categories with shared custom parameters. Selecting a content type enables you to promote a live stream in an OTT app.
When you add a content type, the stream status and schedule of the media item will update automatically. The publish date will be set to 30 days prior to the planned start date. |
Custom Parameters | User-generated name-value pairs
As examples, custom fields can be used when setting cue points or storing legacy media IDs. You can also set default custom parameters that are applied to all new videos uploaded through your JWP dashboard. |
Advanced Settings

Advanced Settings tab
Section | Description |
Content Protection | Geoblocking rule controlling where the content can be viewed |
Publish Scheduling | Active dates of the stream
You can update the Publish Date and Local Time of a stream to any time to between Jan 01, 1970 00:00:00 - Jan 19, 2038 03:14:07. The UTC time will be calculated. Click the checkbox next to Set Expiration Date to update the Expiration Date and Local Time for the stream. You can set a stream to end at any time between Jan 01, 1970 00:00:00 - Jan 19, 2038 03:14:07, but after the Publish Date and Local Time. The UTC time will be calculated. If the Set Expiration Date is not selected, the stream will remain published indefinitely. |
Updated 3 months ago