Get started with Data Sharing

Data Sharing gives you access to video consumption insights that can help you better understand the performance of your videos. Leveraging Snowflake's Secure Data Sharing, Data Sharing provides a solution for retrieving granular data about JWP video playback which can be used for deeper analysis about user behavior and can be combined with data from complementary applications:

  • Streamlined Setup: Use of Snowflakes's secure data sharing capabilities eliminates the need to build an in-house solution to query the JWP's Management API and manually create data tables.
  • Tool Compatibility: Data Sharing integrates with any data tools that allow a standard Snowflake connection from the Snowflake Ecosystem, such as leading business intelligence tools.
  • Deeper Insights: Access individual play sessions, additional metrics and dimensions, and control time ranges.


Data Sharing EntitlementEntitlement to access and query granular JWP performance data

For more information, contact your JWP representative.
Snowflake Account ID(Direct Snowflake Share) Unique identifier for your Snowflake account

Set up Data Sharing

JWP offers two options for setting up Data Sharing. Each option is explained in the following sections.

Direct Snowflake Share

Follow these steps if you already have a Snowflake account:

  1. On the Data Sharing page, Input your Snowflake Account ID.


    Your Snowflake account must be in AWS US West-2. You can also set up a new sub-region in your Snowflake account.

  2. Click Confirm. A confirmation will appear when the setup has completed.
  3. In your Snowflake account, accept the connection.

Basic Direct Share Connection Details

Role Public
Database JW_DATA
Schema Public

Snowflake Reader Account

Follow these steps if you do not have a Snowflake account:

  1. On the Data Sharing page, click Create a Snowflake account. A confirmation will appear when the setup has completed.

  2. Click Set password to set a password.


    You can use the Set password link to reset the password.

  1. Click Snowflake login instance to log in to the Snowflake instance using the specified username and password.


    You can use the following information to set up Snowflake access with a database tool.

    Hostname / Account URL https://jwplayer-reader_<jw_account_id>
    Warehouse MEDIUM
    Role Public
    Database JW_DATA
    Schema Public

Data Access

The following table lists common use cases for JWP's Data Sharing product.

Approach Notes
Direct Connection Enables directly connecting to any data tools that allow a standard Snowflake connection from the Snowflake Ecosystem, such as leading business intelligence tools
Data Replication Enables replicating data into a data warehouse, such as Redshift and BigQuery

This can be a customer-built integration that queries the data at regular intervals or uses any data replication tool supporting a Snowflake connection.
Data Export Enables bulk unloading of data from a database table into flat, delimited text files


To view datasets that are only available in Data Sharing, see Data Sharing datasets.

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