Supported Languages
Learn which languages each product or feature supports.
Each JWP product or feature supports one or several languages. This language support can improve the user experience and product performance.
The following sections list the languages supported by each product and feature.
If the desired language is not listed many products can still be used successfully but without specific language support optimization. If you require additional information, please contact your JWP representative or JWP Support.
ISO Code Key
Expand this table to view a list of languages and their corresponding ISO codes.
Language | ISO Code |
Abkhazian | ab |
Afar | aa |
Afrikaans | af |
Akan | ak |
Albanian | sq |
Amharic | am |
Arabic | ar |
Aragonese | an |
Armenian | hy |
Assamese | as |
Avaric | av |
Avestan | ae |
Aymara | ay |
Azerbaijani | az |
Bambara | bm |
Bashkir | ba |
Basque | eu |
Belarusian | be |
Bengali (Bangla) | bn |
Bihari | bh |
Bislama | bi |
Bosnian | bs |
Breton | br |
Bulgarian | bg |
Burmese | my |
Catalan | ca |
Chamorro | ch |
Chechen | ce |
Chichewa, Chewa, Nyanja | ny |
Chinese | zh |
Chinese (Simplified) | zh-Hans |
Chinese (Traditional) | zh-Hant |
Chuvash | cv |
Cornish | kw |
Corsican | co |
Cree | cr |
Croatian | hr |
Czech | cs |
Danish | da |
Divehi, Dhivehi, Maldivian | dv |
Dutch | nl |
Dzongkha | dz |
English | en |
Esperanto | eo |
Estonian | et |
Ewe | ee |
Faroese | fo |
Fijian | fj |
Finnish | fi |
French | fr |
Fula, Fulah, Pulaar, Pular | ff |
Galician | gl |
Gaelic (Scottish) | gd |
Gaelic (Manx) | gv |
Georgian | ka |
German | de |
Greek | el |
Greenlandic | kl |
Guarani | gn |
Gujarati | gu |
Haitian Creole | ht |
Hausa | ha |
Hebrew | he |
Herero | hz |
Hindi | hi |
Hiri Motu | ho |
Hungarian | hu |
Icelandic | is |
Ido | io |
Igbo | ig |
Indonesian | id, in |
Interlingua | ia |
Interlingue | ie |
Inuktitut | iu |
Inupiak | ik |
Irish | ga |
Italian | it |
Japanese | ja |
Javanese | jv |
Kalaallisut, Greenlandic | kl |
Kannada | kn |
Kanuri | kr |
Kashmiri | ks |
Kazakh | kk |
Khmer | km |
Kikuyu | ki |
Kinyarwanda (Rwanda) | rw |
Kirundi | rn |
Kyrgyz | ky |
Komi | kv |
Kongo | kg |
Korean | ko |
Kurdish | ku |
Kwanyama | kj |
Lao | lo |
Latin | la |
Latvian (Lettish) | lv |
Limburgish ( Limburger) | li |
Lingala | ln |
Lithuanian | lt |
Luga-Katanga | lu |
Luganda, Ganda | lg |
Luxembourgish | lb |
Manx | gv |
Macedonian | mk |
Malagasy | mg |
Malay | ms |
Malayalam | ml |
Maltese | mt |
Maori | mi |
Marathi | mr |
Marshallese | mh |
Moldavian | mo |
Mongolian | mn |
Nauru | na |
Navajo | nv |
Ndonga | ng |
Northern Ndebele | nd |
Nepali | ne |
Norwegian | no |
Norwegian bokmål | nb |
Norwegian nynorsk | nn |
Nuosu | ii |
Occitan | oc |
Ojibwe | oj |
Old Church Slavonic, Old Bulgarian | cu |
Oriya | or |
Oromo (Afaan Oromo) | om |
Ossetian | os |
Pāli | pi |
Pashto, Pushto | ps |
Persian (Farsi) | fa |
Polish | pl |
Portuguese | pt |
Punjabi (Eastern) | pa |
Quechua | qu |
Romansh | rm |
Romanian | ro |
Russian | ru |
Sami | se |
Samoan | sm |
Sango | sg |
Sanskrit | sa |
Serbian | sr |
Serbo-Croatian | sh |
Sesotho | st |
Setswana | tn |
Shona | sn |
Sichuan Yi | ii |
Sindhi | sd |
Sinhalese | si |
Siswati | ss |
Slovak | sk |
Slovenian | sl |
Somali | so |
Southern Ndebele | nr |
Spanish | es |
Sundanese | su |
Swahili (Kiswahili) | sw |
Swati | ss |
Swedish | sv |
Tagalog | tl |
Tahitian | ty |
Tajik | tg |
Tamil | ta |
Tatar | tt |
Telugu | te |
Thai | th |
Tibetan | bo |
Tigrinya | ti |
Tonga | to |
Tsonga | ts |
Turkish | tr |
Turkmen | tk |
Twi | tw |
Uyghur | ug |
Ukrainian | uk |
Urdu | ur |
Uzbek | uz |
Venda | ve |
Vietnamese | vi |
Volapük | vo |
Wallon | wa |
Welsh | cy |
Wolof | wo |
Western Frisian | fy |
Xhosa | xh |
Yiddish | yi, ji |
Yoruba | yo |
Zhuang, Chuang | za |
Zulu | zu |
Supported languages by product
The following tables list supported languages by product. If you require additional information please contact your JWP representative or customer support.
Account Management
All dashboard headings, titles, and tooltips are rendered in the following language. Although metadata associated with media items may be entered in a native language, these metadata values will not be localized.
en |
JWP Web Application
By default, all UI headings, titles, and tooltips are rendered in the following language. App partners offer language-specific UI customizations.
Media titles, descriptions, and other fields exposed in the Web Application are not localized. App partners can help localize this data.
en | es |
Player localization support controls tool tips and other strings. By default, tooltips and ARIA labels are automatically localized.
The default localization can also be overridden:
en | ar | da | de | el |
es | fi | fr | he | id |
it | ja | ko | nl | no |
oc | pl | pt | ro | ru |
sl | sv | th | tr | vi |
zh |
*Includes the web player and all SDK implementations
Video Delivery & Hosting
Article Matching*
JWP's proprietary language feature improves results by applying language-specific parsing to the video and page metadata.
Two examples of this are stemming and skipping:
- Stemming: JWP reduces words to their base roots or forms so that words with various suffixes are understood as the same. Each language has its suffixes that, when applied, improve word stemming.
- Skipping: JWP skips common words that add little meaning.
These features are language-specific. Results vary based on the language used.
en | ar | br | jk | cs |
da | nl | fi | fr | de |
el | hi | hu | id | it |
no | pt | ro | es | sv |
tr |
* Article Matching will still function correctly for all customers using the default language (en). Language support is an optimization that may improve results when using these products.
Media Metadata
JWP applies the default language of your account to all new media.
Your JWP representative set a default account language for your account. If you are an existing customers, you JWP representative can set a new target language and backfill your metadata to that language.
en | ab | ae | af | ak |
am | an | ar | as | av |
ay | az | ba | be | bg |
bh | bi | bm | bn | bo |
br | bs | ca | ce | ch |
co | cr | cs | cu | cv |
cy | da | de | dv | dz |
ee | el | eo | es | et |
eu | fa | ff | fi | fj |
fo | fr | fy | ga | gd |
gl | gn | gu | gv | ha |
he | hi | ho | hr | ht |
hu | hy | hz | ia | id |
ie | ig | ii | ik | io |
is | it | iu | ja | jv |
ka | kg | ki | kj | kk |
kl | km | kn | ko | kr |
ks | ku | kv | kw | ky |
la | lb | lg | li | ln |
lo | lt | lu | lv | mg |
mh | mi | mk | ml | mn |
mr | ms | mt | my | na |
nb | nd | ne | ng | nl |
nn | no | nr | nv | ny |
oc | oj | om | or | os |
pa | pi | pl | ps | pt |
qu | rm | rn | ro | ru |
rw | sa | sc | sd | se |
sg | si | sk | sl | sm |
sn | so | sq | sr | ss |
st | su | sv | sw | ta |
te | tg | th | ti | tk |
tl | tn | to | tr | ts |
tt | tw | ty | ug | uk |
ur | uz | ve | vi | vo |
wa | wo | xh | yi | yo |
za | zh | zu |
JWP's proprietary language feature improves results by applying language-specific parsing to the video and page metadata.
Two examples of this are stemming and skipping:
- Stemming: JWP reduces words to their base roots or forms so that words with various suffixes are understood as the same. Each language has its suffixes that, when applied, improve word stemming.
- Skipping: JWP skips common words that add little meaning.
These features are language-specific. Results vary based on the language used.
en | ar | br | jk | cs |
da | nl | fi | fr | de |
el | hi | hu | id | it |
no | pt | ro | es | sv |
tr |
* Recommendations will still function correctly for all customers using the default language (en). Language support is an optimization that may improve results when using these products.
Updated 21 days ago