Configuration Loading with a JSON Object Reference

You can use a JSON object to define several player configuration settings. Using a JSON object to define player configuration settings offers several benefits:

  • Maintenance: Allows making player changes without resubmitting the app to the App Store
  • Efficient Development: Facilitates defining player configuration settings through a single builder method
  • Caching: Permits caching player configurations in memory or on a web server

Load a JSON Configuration

Use the following steps to initialize a player with a JSON configuration:

  1. Define a JSON object.

    Format Description
    data Data Enables caching a data blob downloaded from your own web service and allows the iOS SDK to deserialize the JSON

    This is a data blob that contains serialized JSON. Using this format removes the need for you to convert the Data to a JSONObject yourself.
    json [String : Any] Enables creating the JSON as a dictionary within the code
  2. Through JWPlayerConfigurationBuilder(), load a JSON configuration to configure the player.

    // build your config
    do {
     // This step could be done in your application as preloading,
     // and stored in memory.
     let url = URL(string:"url_of_your_config")!
     let jsonData = Data(contentsOf: url)
     // Create the config
     let config = try builder.configuration(data: jsonData).build()
     player.configurePlayer(with: config)
    } catch {
        // Handle build errors
    // build your config
    do {
     let json: JSONObject = [
       "file": "yourvideo.mp4",
       "title": "video title"
     let config = try builder.configuration(json: json).build()
     player.configurePlayer(with: config)
    } catch {
        // Handle build errors

iOS Specific Properties

The iOS SDK has support for the following properties.


Property Description
allowsBackgroundPlayback Bool Defines JWP VAST ads playback behavior when the app is in the background

Possible Values:
  • true: JWP VAST ads are heard and continue playing while the app is in the background.
  • false: JWP VAST ads stop playing while the app is in the background.
externalMetadata [JSONObject] Defines external metadata to be triggered at a designated time

See: externalMetadata object
externalPlaybackSettings JSONObject Defines properties which change how external playback is affected with AirPlay devices

See: externalPlaybackSettings object
locale String ISO 639-1 locale associated with the caption track


Property Description
endTime* Double End time of the cue, expressed as a number of seconds from the beginning of the content
identifier* String Unique identifier used to represent the metadata cue
startTime* Double Start time of the cue, expressed in seconds from the beginning of the content


Format Description
playbackEnabled Bool Indicates whether the player allows switching to external playback mode

See also: allowsExternalPlayback
usesExternalPlaybackWhileExternalScreenIsActive Bool Indicates whether the player should automatically switch to external playback mode while the external screen mode is active

See also: usesExternalPlaybackWhileExternalScreenIsActive
videoGravity String Indicates how the layer displays video content within its bounds

Possible Values:
  • resize: Stretches the video to fill the bounds of the layer
  • resizeAspect: Preserves the aspect ratio of the video and fits it within bounds of the layer
  • resizeAspectFill: Preserves the aspect ratio of the video and fills the bounds of the layer

See also: videoGravity


The iOS SDK supports all captions options.

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