Add the SDK (iOS)
Download the SDK and add the SDK to your iOS app.
To add JWP's video experience to your app, you must import the JWP iOS SDK (app) and then configure your project.
You can download the SDK using one of the following approaches:
If you have any problems completing any of these tasks and have a valid JWP license, please log a support ticket for assistance.
Install CocoaPods and create a Podfile
- At the Terminal prompt, enter
gem install cocoapods
to install CocoaPods. - Enter
cd <path-to-your-project>/<your-project>/
to navigate to your project directory. - Enter
pod init
to create a file named Podfile. Podfile defines the dependencies for your project.
Edit the Podfile
- In a text editor, open Podfile.
- Set the iOS version to
or greater. - If you are using Objective-C, you can comment out
. - Add
as a dependency. To add a specific version of the SDK, be sure to use the proper Podfile syntax. - Save Podfile and close the text editor.
# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project
platform :ios, '12.0'
target 'MyAwesomeProject' do
# Comment the next line if you're not using Swift and don't want to use dynamic frameworks
# Pods for MyAwesomeProject
pod 'JWPlayerKit', '>= 4.0.0'
Install the SDK
- At the Terminal prompt of your project directory, enter
pod install
to install the SDK. - Open the .xcworkspace file for your project to launch Xcode.
You can now configure your project.
Download the SDK
- On the Players page under iOS SDK, click Downloads. The iOS Downloads screen displays.
- In the row of the SDK version to download, click
to download the .zip version to your computer.
- On your computer, unzip the SDK .zip file.
Import the SDK into your project
- From within Xcode, select your project from the project navigator.
- Select the target in the left column of the project editor.
- Click General.
- In the Linked Frameworks and Libraries, click +.
- Click Add Other.
- Select JWPlayerKit.xcframework (iOS) from your computer.
- Click Open.
You can now configure your project.
Swift Package Manager
The Swift Package Manager (SwiftPM) is a tool for managing the distribution of Swift code. You can add a package dependency to your project via the Xcode UI, or by directly adding it to the package.swift
Xcode UI
- Open your project in Xcode.
- Select the File > Add Package Dependency item from the menu bar.
As an alternative, follow these steps:
- Navigate to your project's Project File.
- From your targetβs General pane, under Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content, click the + button.
- Select Add Other.
- Select Add Package Dependency.
- Enter the package URL,
See Apple's documentation for further details.
In the Package.swift file, add the JWPlayerKit dependency.
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "4.16.0"))
Updated 10 months ago