Enter and exit full screen (iOS)
Learn how to implement full-screen mode in the iOS SDK
Full-screen mode enables viewers to expand the player to fill up the entire device screen.
When using JWPlayerViewController
or JWPlayerObjCViewController
, full screen can be entered and exited in several ways.
Approach | Description |
Automatic | Full screen engaged automatically when device orientation changes from portait to landscape if forceFullScreenOnLandscape on JWPlayerViewController is true |
Manual | Full screen engaged by viewer tapping the full screen icon ( ![]() |
Programmatic | Full screen engaged by calling transitionToFullScreen and dismissFullScreen methods on the view controller |
If you are only using
, you must implement full screen capability yourself or display the view in full screen with your own interface.
Programmatically enter and exit full screen
The transitionToFullScreen
and dismissFullScreen
methods can be used on either the JWPlayerViewController
or JWPlayerObjCViewController
to enter and exit full screen programmatically.
The following recipe shows how to use these methods in a class that has a full-screen toggle to enter and exit full-screen mode.
Transitions the player to full-screen mode
If the player is already in full-screen mode, this method does not perform any actions. The completion closer will not be executed.
public func dismissFullScreen(animated: Bool, completion: (() -> Void)? = nil)
- (void)dismissFullScreenAnimated:(BOOL)animated completion:(void (^)(void))completion;
Argument | Description |
animated Β Bool | Determines if the player should animate into full screen |
completion | Closure called after the player has transitioned to full-screen mode |
Transitions the player away from full-screen mode
If the player is not in full-screen mode this method does not perform any actions. The completion closure will not be executed.
public func transitionToFullScreen(animated: Bool, completion: (() -> Void)? = nil)
- (void)transitionToFullScreenAnimated:(BOOL)animated completion:(void (^)(void))completion;
Argument | Description |
animated Β Bool | Determines if the player should animate away from full-screen mode |
completion Β Closure | Closure called after the player has transitioned away from full-screen mode |
Respond to Full-Screen Events
There are several full screen events that you can respond to using JWPlayerViewControllerDelegate.
The following example shows a class conforming to JWPlayerViewControllerDelegate
class CustomPlayerViewController: JWPlayerViewController, JWPlayerViewControllerDelegate {
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Set the JWPlayerViewControllerDelegate to self
delegate = self
// MARK: - JWPlayerViewControllerDelegate
func playerViewControllerWillGoFullScreen(_ controller: JWPlayerViewController) -> JWFullScreenViewController? {
return nil
func playerViewControllerDidGoFullScreen(_ controller: JWPlayerViewController) {
func playerViewControllerWillDismissFullScreen(_ controller: JWPlayerViewController) {
func playerViewControllerDidDismissFullScreen(_ controller: JWPlayerViewController) {
// CustomViewController.h
@interface CustomViewController : JWPlayerObjCViewController <JWPlayerViewControllerDelegate>
// CustomViewController.m
@implementation CustomViewController
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
// Set the JWPlayerViewControllerDelegate to self
self.delegate = self;
#pragma mark JWPlayerViewControllerDelegate
- (JWFullScreenViewController * _Nullable)playerViewControllerWillGoFullScreen:(JWPlayerViewController * _Nonnull)controller {
return nil;
- (void)playerViewControllerDidGoFullScreen:(JWPlayerViewController * _Nonnull)controller {
- (void)playerViewControllerWillDismissFullScreen:(JWPlayerViewController * _Nonnull)controller {
- (void)playerViewControllerDidDismissFullScreen:(JWPlayerViewController * _Nonnull)controller {
Called before the player is enlarged to the size of the screen
This method returns the JWFullScreenViewController
that will be used for full screen. If nil
is returned, the default JWFullScreenViewController
will be used.
func playerViewControllerWillGoFullScreen(_ controller: JWPlayerViewController) -> JWFullScreenViewController? {
return nil
- (JWFullScreenViewController * _Nullable)playerViewControllerWillGoFullScreen:(JWPlayerViewController * _Nonnull)controller {
return nil;
Argument | Description |
controller Β JWPlayerViewerController | JWPlayerViewController emitting the event |
Called after the player has enlarged to the size of the screen
func playerViewControllerDidGoFullScreen(_ controller: JWPlayerViewController) {}
- (void)playerViewControllerDidGoFullScreen:(JWPlayerViewController * _Nonnull)controller {}
Argument | Description |
controller Β JWPlayerViewerController | JWPlayerViewController emitting the event |
Called before the player dismisses full screen, and shrinks back to its normal size
func playerViewControllerWillDismissFullScreen(_ controller: JWPlayerViewController) {}
- (void)playerViewControllerWillDismissFullScreen:(JWPlayerViewController * _Nonnull)controller {}
Argument | Description |
controller Β JWPlayerViewerController | JWPlayerViewController emitting the event |
Called after the player dismisses full screen, and shrinks back to its normal size
func playerViewControllerDidDismissFullScreen(_ controller: JWPlayerViewController) {}
- (void)playerViewControllerDidDismissFullScreen:(JWPlayerViewController * _Nonnull)controller {}
Argument | Description |
controller Β JWPlayerViewerController | JWPlayerViewController emitting the event |
Customize the JWFullScreenController
Be mindful of the following when customizing the
- As of SDK version 4.19.0, the
conforms toUIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate
. To use custom transition animations, override theUIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate
is only customizable withJWPlayerViewController
You have the option to use your own subclass of JWFullScreenController
rather than the default.
Complete the following steps to use a custom JWFullScreenController
Override the
method. -
Use your custom
to subclassJWFullScreenViewController
.class CustomJWFullScreenViewController: JWFullScreenViewController { }
- Return an instance of your custom
.func playerViewControllerWillGoFullScreen(_ controller: JWPlayerViewController) -> JWFullScreenViewController? { // Return instance of your subclassed full screen view controller return CustomJWFullScreenViewController() }
Updated 10 months ago