Schedule VAST ads (Web Player)

Add advertising breaks to your content when using the VAST ad client.

The most basic advertising implementation is to run a single VAST ad tag as a pre-roll before each playlist item.


If you are using FreeWheel, follow the steps in Enable FreeWheel Ad Manager.

If you are using a cloud-hosted player, you can create an ad schedule in your JWP dashboard and associate the ad schedule with your cloud-hosted player. The ad schedule will play in every instance of the embedded player.


Since any changes made to the advertising object override any advertising settings made in the dashboard, be sure to include all existing advertising dashboard configurations within the advertising object.

Add a pre-roll ad break to a player

Use the following steps to add a pre-roll to an embedded player:

  1. Within setup() of an embedded JWP, add an advertising object.
  2. Define the client property within the advertising object as vast (VAST).
  3. Define the adscheduleid property within the advertising object. Assign a randomly-generated, eight character, alpha-numeric value to this property.
  4. Define a schedule array within the advertising object. At the minimum, you must assign an ad tag to the tag property. You can also assign the URL of a VMAP tag to the schedule property.


    As a shortcut, you can define advertising.tag (String) to create a single pre-roll ad break. If you use this shortcut, you cannot add multiple ad breaks.

    The advertising.tag property and advertising.schedule[] property cannot be used in the same advertising object.

      "playlist": "", 
      "advertising": {
        "client": "vast",
        "adscheduleid": "Az87bY12",
        "schedule": [
            "tag": ""

You can build on this basic implementation by adding multiple ad breaks, defining ad rules or configuring Player Bidding.

Add multiple ad breaks to a player

Use the following steps to add multiple ad breaks to the previous VAST pre-roll example:

  1. Define an additional index within the advertising.schedule array.
  2. Assign an ad tag to the tag property.
  3. When defining the offset property, choose one of the following values to schedule a mid-roll or post-roll ad:

    Β Β - {number}: (Number) Ad plays after the specified number of seconds.
    Β Β - {timecode}: (String) Ad plays at a specific time, in hh:mm:ss:mmm format.
    Β Β - {xx%}: (String) Ad plays after xx% of the content has played.

    Β Β - post: (String) Ad plays after the content.

      "playlist": "",
      "advertising": {
        "client": "vast",
        "adscheduleid": "Az87bY12",
        "schedule": [
            "offset": "pre",
            "tag": ""
            "offset": 10,
            "tag": ""
            "offset": "00:00:15:000",
            "tag": ""
            "offset": "25%",
            "tag": ""
            "offset": "post",
            "tag": ""

You can build on this basic implementation by defining ad rules or setting up Player Bidding.

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