Additional ad functionality (Android v3)

Create a VMAPAdvertising object

// Set the url to the VMAP tag
VMAPAdvertising vmapAdvertising = new VMAPAdvertising(AdSource.VAST,"");

// Create a playlist, you'll need this to build your player config
List<PlaylistItem> playlist = new ArrayList<PlaylistItem>();

PlaylistItem video = new PlaylistItem("");
PlaylistItem video2 = new PlaylistItem("");


// Create your player config
PlayerConfig playerConfig = new PlayerConfig.Builder()
// Setup your player with the config

Scheduling ads per playlist item

Playlist item advertising allows you to set specific ad schedules for each of your playlist items.

// Create video
PlaylistItem video = new PlaylistItem("");

// Create advertising schedule
List<AdBreak> adSchedule = new ArrayList<AdBreak>();

AdBreak adBreak = new AdBreak("pre", AdSource.VAST, ",test");


// Set advertising schedule to your video

// Create second video
PlaylistItem video2 = new PlaylistItem("");

// Create different advertising schedule
List<AdBreak> adSchedule2 = new ArrayList<AdBreak>();

AdBreak adBreak2 = new AdBreak("10", AdSource.VAST, "");


// Set advertising schedule to your video

List<PlaylistItem> playlist = new ArrayList<PlaylistItem>();

// Create your player config
PlayerConfig playerConfig = new PlayerConfig.Builder()
// Setup your player with the config

Play ads on the fly during playback

Our API also allows developers to insert an ad as the content is playing by calling the playAd() method. For this to work however you must first set an advertising object with an empty List<AdBreak> to your PlayerConfig to let the player know which AdSource you will be using.

// Create your empty ad schedule
List<AdBreak> adSchedule = new ArrayList<AdBreak>();

// Set your ad schedule to your advertising object
Advertising advertising = new Advertising(AdSource.VAST, adSchedule);

// Create a playlist, you'll need this to build your player config
List<PlaylistItem> playlist = new ArrayList<PlaylistItem>();
PlaylistItem video = new PlaylistItem("");

// Create your player config
PlayerConfig playerConfig = new PlayerConfig.Builder()
// Setup your player with the config

// During playback you can now call the playAd() method

Unsupported Features



VPAID 1.0 is not supported.

This mode of advertising delivers Flash creatives as the ad content. We do not support Flash playback on Android. Please make sure your ad networks do not serve these type of creatives to your mobile audience as you will lose ad opportunities.