Set up Recommendations (iOS)

Automate the generation of a playlist based on a seed video for your iOS or tvOS app.

If you have hundreds of videos hosted on or registered with your account, Recommendations automates the generation of a playlist based on a seed video and provides you options to customize the appearance and behavior of that playlist.


Screenshot of Recommendations view


In addition to the general iOS SDK requirements, the following items are required to implement Recommendations.

50 videos
This is the suggested minimum number of videos that should be in your JWP library.
Recommendationsย featureIf this product is not already enabled in your account, contact your JWP representative.

Configure the Recommendations display options

Use the following recipe to setup the Recommendations view.

Related Delegates

func playerViewController(_ controller: JWPlayerViewController, relatedMenuOpenedWithItems items: [JWPlayerItem], withMethod method: JWRelatedInteraction)Triggers when the related view is opened
func playerViewController(_ controller: JWPlayerViewController, relatedMenuClosedWithMethod method: JWRelatedInteraction)Triggers when the related view is closed
func playerViewController(_ controller: JWPlayerViewController, relatedItemBeganPlaying item: JWPlayerItem, atIndex index: Int, withMethod method: JWRelatedInteraction)Triggers when a user selects an object in a related feed or the first item starts playing