Get started with Dynamic Strategy Rules

Learn how to create tailored viewer experiences

Dynamic Strategy Rules enables you to tailor on-site video experiences in real time using visit and page data.

By leveraging Dynamic Strategy Rules, you gain the following benefits:

  • Make strategy changes in your JWP dashboard that update the video experience across multiple sites without developer resources
  • Deploy with minimal code
  • Create different experiences for different viewers based on visit and page contexts, such as geography and custom values
  • Boost the effectiveness of on-page video placements to enhance user engagement and conversions.
  • Exercise granular control over advertising to maximize revenue potential


You can also use one of the following approaches to embed a player on a page without Dynamic Strategy Rules:

  • If you have simple player requirements, you can add a player embed to a page.
  • If you are a developer or have developer resources, you can add the player library to a page to create complex custom implementations.

NOTE: Since each embedding approach is mutually exclusive, players embedded using different approaches do not interact with one another.

Set up a Dynamic Strategy Rule

Use the following steps to define a rule:

  1. Create a strategy.
  2. Link the strategy to a placement.

Link the strategy

  1. On the Dynamic strategy rules page, on the Placements tab, click the name of the placement. The placement details page appears.


    If the desired placement does not exist, you can create a new placement.

  2. Under Link a Strategy, choose a strategy from the Linked Strategy dropdown menu. This associates the placement with the strategy.
  3. Click Save.


Can a strategy be linked to more than one placement?


How can a strategy be unlinked from a placement?
  1. On the Placements page, click the name of the placement. The placement details page appears.
  2. Under Link a Strategy, click Unlink Strategy next to the selected strategy.

You will need to associate another strategy. Without an associated strategy, this placement will be disabled (Not Deliverable) and render an empty <div> on all pages where it is deployed. If a different deliverable placement exists on one of those pages, that placement will still work.

How quickly will end users notice any changes made to a strategy?

Because strategies are cached, it may take up to one hour for changes made to a strategy to become visible to end users.

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