JW Video Experience

Learn how to create a JW video experience

A JW video experience allows you to combine new or existing content, player, and ad configurations into one experience.


Item Description
Player UX Defines player behavior settings, such as autoplay, viewability, and analytics tracking
Media curation Defines playlist recommendations and advanced content selection options
Advertising Ensures consistent advertising setups across different parts of a strategy

Create a JW video experience

Create a JW Player Experience page

Create a JW video experience page

Follow these steps to create a JW video experience:

  1. On the strategy tree, click + Add experience > JW video experience. The Create a JW video experience page appears.
  2. Under Configure your JW video experience, enter a Name.

  1. On the 1. Player UX tab, add a library:
    1. Under Link to player UX, from the Select player UX dropdown menu, select a library.
    2. Click Link. The player settings will populate the page.

  1. On the 2. Media curation tab, add a library:
    1. Under Link to Media curation, from the Select media curation dropdown menu, select a library.
    2. Click Link. The media curation settings will populate the page.

  1. On the 3. Advertising tab, add a library:
    1. Under Link to advertising, from the Select advertising dropdown menu, select a library.
    2. Click Link. The advertising settings will populate the page.

  1. Click Done. The experience is added to the decision tree.

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