Publish video to Facebook

Grow your audience by seamlessly publishing videos to Facebook. From your JWP dashboard, you can upload a video to your Facebook Page, create a post, and select a publish date for the post. The ability to publish video to other social channels is coming soon.


To publish a video to your Facebook Page, be sure to connect a Facebook account in your JWP dashboard. You must have at least one Facebook Page (business or public figure) associated with your Facebook account. Also be aware that videos hosted on Facebook cannot be directly shared from a JWP that you have embedded on your website.

Share your video with your Facebook followers

Use the following video and steps to begin sharing your video with your Facebook followers, in your Facebook Page timeline, and in your Facebook Page Videos.

Use the following steps to begin sharing your video with your Facebook followers:

  1. On the Social Posts page, choose Facebook from the dropdown menu.
  2. Click Post. The Post to Facebook panel appears.
  3. Select a video thumbnail. The Edit Details for Facebook panel appears.
  4. Choose a Facebook Page.
  5. Enter a Media Title for the video. By default, the video title is pre-populated.
  6. Enter a Description that will appear with the video on YouTube.
  7. Under Additional Options, click the Schedule for Later checkbox to select a date and time when the video will be available.
  8. Click Publish Now. If you previously clicked Schedule for Later, click Schedule. A confirmation screen briefly appears and the panel closes. Then, the Social Posts screen appears.
  9. Refresh your browser to see the current list of scheduled social posts and previously Published Posts on the Social Posts screen.

You will receive a Facebook notification after your post has been uploaded to Facebook and Facebook has transcoded the video. You can manage and edit your post from your Facebook Page. Changes made from your Facebook Page will not sync with the Social Posts screen.

After your post is live on Facebook, you can view the performance metrics on the Publishing Tools tab of your Facebook Page.


Can I publish any video to my Facebook Page?

Only videos that are hosted on JWP account can be published to Facebook. You can use any of the methods below to add a video to your JWP account.

Facebook's API restricts video uploads to 1GB and 20 minutes. When you publish a video to Facebook from your dashboard, JW Platform will send the highest quality transcoded video version that adheres to Facebook's limitations.

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